Why are there no black angels?

by snare&racket 79 Replies latest jw friends


    Well the organization was started by WHITE men in America... Also look at the Mormons they were started by John Smith ( thats as white as you can get lol ) and have an all white organization. So it would be like saying Muslims are racist because they don't have white leaders... Or Jews are racists and so on... Its all in who started the club... :)

    The Egyption artifacts and pyramids which are stone records and documents that cant be denied shows you who started civilization and it wasn't WHITES... lol

  • jam

    Do you think we would have a Mormon organization today if

    the angel that appeared before Joseph Smith was black or

    the angel he thought he spoke to was black. LOL

    A gay angel would have been great, or a female angel.

  • snare&racket

    A gay hispanic angel called..... Angel..... Lol

  • Stand for Pure Worship
  • valkyrie

    S&R: The Annunciation, by Hispanic "Angel": "Wait until you see my friend, Jesus. He's perrrfect!"

  • LivingTheDream

    Ancient artifact recently unearthed is proof that black angels exist and that baby Jesus was black and slept on a rock and not in a cushy manger.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    No Asian angels either. That's silly considering that over 50% of the world's population is Asian.

  • Farkel

    : ....and then there is the lack of black angels....

    Perhaps that is because angels are not humans and any depiction of them is only a puny human made-up-shit idea of what they are.

    Too many black people simply need to grow up and quit thinking they are more important than they think they are. They are black. So what. They are free. 500,000 Americans died to made them free. Four Constitutional Amendments were passed to atone for their plight over 170 years ago. No black person today has lived in slavery.

    I'm sick of the whining. Get a job if you are one of the crybaby whiners.

    One of my best friends is black. I hardly notice that. It doesn't matter to me. Why should it matter to whiners?




    CTR maintained that "them black folks" gonna be converted to White folks in da Kingdom. Y'all take note.

    34 deg C in Cape Town ! Great day

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  • BackseatDevil

    Asian: Noah -> Ham -> Canaan -> Heth & Sin

    Also not part of the Kingdom of Heaven.

    Seriously, did no one learn this while in the religion? Was I the only one?

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