That's one of the attractions to the ORG. a competitive & busy spirit....you can tell by how many magazines some of them take when at the counter. When there isn't anyone there, they may grab one or two, because now there are 2 mags in one...but if there is a line...they grab handfuls, to make one think, they are use to placing that many....wait a while & then those same folks say, Oh My, I have so many magazines at home they are piling up. I go out in the field....if I place a mag., that's a good day. Most of the time I place tracks...I usually place the " Would you like to know the Truth? track...it says alot...& it's to the point...
As someone brought out here, most places of worship there are competitive folks, ones who want to sit next to the pastors wife or up front, when leaving the church some of the preachers stand at the door to when the congregation leaves & shakes their hands...always a few who want to appear that they know the Past'a & bend their ear...the deacon'ess, walking around in their white, giving folks a dirty look once in a while, another person who takes the same seat every week & puts her purse next to her so no one will sit next to her, eventually she will be asked to move her purse or move in, because she likes to sit on the end seat so whoever comes to sit, they have to by pass her, because that is her seat...& get this...don't even put a penny in the plate, yet expects the church to be warm, cool, working bathroom, etc...all types attend all types of worship...I have been to many places of worship the only difference is...THE DOCTRINE...but the same people everywhere...
Most of the time they love to say, oh, I just got in from field service, (it's about 5pm in the eve., but they didn't mention they just went out at 4pm). These are people who have to be constantly need approval...remember when Sandy hit...how many shared that, well this weekend I went to RBC. They all need ego boosters...AKA: NEEDY PERSONALITIES....
I'm not there to impress anyone or serve any human. When I give my time in & I give 1 hr. the same way I give 10 hrs....I do what I can...I work, and have other responsibilities..I try to balance it the best way I can. So let them compete....my name is Tess & I ain't in this mess...