It's been my observation that if the elders really want a brother to become elder, then they will come up with all the reasons in the world to appoint him. The reverse is also true. If the elders really don't want a brother to become elder, then they will make up all sorts of reasons not to appoint him despite perhaps the brothers many years in the truth, great talks, spirituality etc. It's more who you know and who likes you instead of what you know and your strength of character, merit etc. Do you all agree with this? Any stories to back this up?
Can the elders make up stuff to make sure that a brother pretty much never gets to be elder?
by toto555 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Yup, yup, yup. Hubby's a convert. Any relatives who are witnesses are far, far away and not available to influence the elders here. Besides that, he's the ultimate teflon man. The teachings only go skin deep. The ultimate insult is that as he was working on reinstatement (never DF'd), he never told the elders that he married me.
It is just too many marks against him and he knows he would never be considered for advancement.
The only time I ever sat in on an elder's meeting (the day I showed up at the KH to end hubby's deception), an elder told me that they made no distinction between each other. As an example, he told me he was third generation, while brother Frankie over here is a convert. I was pretty new to the Witnesses at that point and I found it quite telling that he found it necessary to inform me of the the generational line. If it doesn't matter, why mention it? Over the years, I watched Frankie get all the crap jobs; mostly conducting endless individual book studies with lost causes (a Schizophrenic and my hubby). Hubby finished three extra book studies (18 months) and changed congregations in order to get reinstated.
Yes....JW elders will blackball somesome that has challenged them, rubbed them the wrong way, or they just don't like the person. Seen them personally do it to someone and it caused dissension in the KH.
I ahve seen sincere men become elders and then proceed to age bya factor of 3. The sincere ones get all the dirty announcements to do for a start.
Unfortunately, sometimes if your name comes up for an appointment, and if the Body is not unanimous, the BOE will put your appt on the back burner. It could stay there for a long time, unless you start to assert yourself and ask "why ". They need to reply back to you with a reason.
When you receive the reason, find out what time period it will take for any bad history to pass. Don't let this experience dissapoint you, just go on and enjoy your life, don't bend over backwards for any requests. Stop trying to prove yourselves, if it's not gonna matter.
If, it's soon to happen, then it's time to suck up. It won't belong before you'll be sucking up big time.
I know that many BOEs think having a father or an uncle that is an elder makes the son or nephew more qualified. But then my husband was a convert, studied with elders and was an elder in 5 years (after the congregation split into 2). If they need elders and if they are even marginally qualified they will appoint them. We have seen an alcoholic and a wifebeater reappointed elders due to lack of candidates.
I have seen several factions of elders in one congregation politick around to the point that the WTS brings in elders from other congregations and place them in the 3 key positions. No cooperation from local elders, out on their ear.
I have seen COs step in to block an appointment and to go over the heads of a BOE to make an appointment.
In the end I think it tests a man to see if he is serving men or God. If you believe in God, do you believe he sees what you truly are; that the elders can fool him or that he listens to their assessment of a brother?
We left finally after we say the politicking in several congregations and realized we wanted no part of it.
One fellow Elder use to joke about the appointment process calling it- Who do you like
The last congregation I attended was a closed group of old guys who apparently didn't like anyone, 10 years and no appointments...
The Searcher
A very close relative of mine was an M.S. for several years, despite asking the elders more than once what he had to do to become an elder. (beats me why he wanted it so badly!) When he got tired of the excuses, he had a private word with the C.O., asking him what more he had to do in order to "qualify" as an elder. The C.O. had a word with the B of E, and the relative was promptly promoted!!
P.S. The relative was very much disliked by the B of E because he very often confronted them over poor administration or any inaccurate statements which they made.
Searcher- I saw that happen often. He would probably get booted off the island when the CO position changes. Its a good ol boys club in many congregations.
Narcissistic Supply
you too can become an upper echelon A$$HOLE