That's a really nice tree FHN! Looks like there are some good candidates in your garden too, though they may be on the tall side!
by likeabird 18 Replies latest jw friends
Everything started when I wandered into the Christmas aisle of the supermarket and spotted this little guy:
He kind of said "Buy me", you know, the way we hear voices sometimes . So I did.
There was no way I was going to get a tree or do Christmas, so I just let him hang off my bookshelf. Yes, my WT library bookshelf. After all, what other books did I have on my shelf!
And then I went to a nice christmas market (unintentionally, of course) and came home some very neutral decorations of snowmen and snowflakes and they too got hung off the WT bookshelf.
A short time later, still before Christmas, I see in the flyer for the supermarket that there is a sale on Christmas lights. I've always loved lights, why not do something good with them.
That was the start of Christmas. It was great fun.
My cat Lizzie is all ready for Xmas. She loves the tree and will just sit and stare at it. She has been pretty about good about the ornaments, no breakage yet, but I think she chewed a little bit on one of them. She was a naughty girl though, I forgot to close the closet door and she got in there and dragged out one of her presents. She was so excited I had to let her have it.
LisaRose, when I first saw your picture, I thought your cat was the ornament. She looks lovely. Very funny how she sniffed out her present!
Somehow all the WT pubs have gone walkies at the shame of having been dressed up. That left us scratching our heads over what to do for Christmas.
So with a new recruit we headed off to look for a tree. One we could look up to rather than down at.
It was rather like the three stooges go christmas tree hunting.
The corner shop was sold out of green giants, so we headed down the street hitting any store that looked like it might have what we were looking for.
We finally found a seller that looked like his other job may be in a forest and took a look at what was on offer. It didn't take long to choose. A tall beauty, not doing a very good job of hiding among his midget siblings.
Lumber Jack wrapped it up and whammed it into a stump, tall and straight. We carried it to the checkout and set it down to wait in line, only to see it was starting to look like the leaning tower of Pisa.
Jack sauntered by and we showed him what had happened. He whisked the tree back to the lumber yard, pulled off the stump, whipped out his axe and started hacking away at the thing.
With a semi straight tree towering over our heads, we headed home. You could just see this tree heading down the street with legs!
Our plans to go big maybe didn't include coming home with a tree that was literally pushing through the ceiling, but then again, it's our first proper christmas and it's one we'll be sure to remember!
Yes, she is quite the finder of things, she has a particular chirping meow when she finds something exciting. She finds things around the house, or even outside and brings them to me. She once brought me one end of a ball of twine, the other end was upstairs. Outside she found another cat's collar, the foam insulation from someone's sprinkler pipe, a big piece of bark, and dead bird, the last thing she was very excited about, but disappointed when I took it away. The toy she found she has had before, it's a stick with a string and three different ends, she much prefers the end that is twine and raffia. She brings it to us and drops it in our lap when she wants to play. She will jump and do somersaults, it's pretty funny. She plays with it so much she wears them out, so she was happy to have a new one, this is the fourth one. She drags it up and down the stairs and up onto the bed at night.
She is quite a character.
Band on the Run
We had our first Christmas tree and puppy the same year. It was obviously a great year. My ten year old sister had a hangout in the neigborhood called Holiday Creations so we had many decorations. She bought a special canine stocking for the puppy. It was silly. B/c it was our first dog, we did not know how dogs and smells work. My sister hung the dog's stocking on the tree so the dog could enjoy it on Christmas.Rascal would get her stocking when we opened our stockings. Within a few minutes, the huge tree was on its way to crashing on the ground. The puppy saw no reason to wait for Christmas to enjoy what was obviously her gift. The tree and all its ornaments were saved by split second rescue work.
The yearly canine stocking was kept far from the tree. I would not trust a cat or dog near my tree. The cat looks so majestic and cat like in the photo. Thanks for sharing some Christmas cheer.
Beautiful trees and ornaments, Likeabird and Lisa. Hope you're having a wonderful Christmas.
Here is my livingroom last night:
Here is my facebook status, compliments of Soul Santa:
"It's easy to think well of successful people and to be kind to people you adore, but what Soul Santa wants to know is how you feel about the down and out and the stinkers in your life. Never let icicles form on your heart: always keep it warm and open."