Jws and poverty

by Julia Orwell 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • LisaRose

    The people you see who live on the streets long term usually are either severely mentally ill or have substance abuse problems. Any JWs who have these kinds of issues would have been kicked out of the organization long before they became homeless. I knew of a case where a brother was disfellowshipped because he heard voices. Having met him, I was pretty sure he was schizophrenic, but the elders assumed he was demonized. Problem solved for them, nope they don't have a homeless problem.

    For JWs that don't have these issues, they may avoid being homeless, but they are more likely, in my experience, to rely on food stamps, rental assistance and welfare. Having followed the advice to not pursue higher education, they are less likely to have well paying jobs. And since the Watchtower tells people they should rely on Jehovah and put Kingdom interests first, they are less likely to plan for retirement or save money.

    I realize there are exceptions to this, some JWs do get an education, have decent jobs and save money, but I think that the Watchtower teachings do tend to discourage responsibility and planning for the future.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    You got that right. More JWs than any other group I know, when they retire, go on the government pension than have retirement accounts. Even now, in my early 30's, I'm having to think about retirement for the first time. My non-Jw parents were always encouraging me to invest in my financial future but I always brushed it off, thinking Armageddon would take care of that. So, for all the JW oldies retiring and retired, they too thought, decades ago, that planning for retirement wasn't necessary as Armageddon would be here. They got sold down the river to the WT's lies.

    I know of JWs who are planning for retirement, you know, superannuation accounts, investment properties and the like, but they are going against the counsel of the WT. They're not stupid though- they can see all the oldies around them with nothing and no one.

  • Crazyguy

    Hey just remember the elders have been instructed not to call the ORg for financial help but have been educated on how to help you fill out the proper paper work so that you can get help from your Government. How loving an arraingment.

  • wearewatchingyouman

    "Maybe these type of people never get the chance to be jws because they are not on a territory map (homeless) and let's face it, jws are judgemental. Who's going to "witness" to the wino in the park, people living on the fringes of society."

    I disagree here. We lived in various cities throughout the US and my family, and others in the congregations, preached to the homeless. My dad ususally had at least one bible study going on with somebody homeless in a public park. Suits are cheap and available at thrift stores, but usually somebody in the congregation would donate them to someone in need.We even brought a homeless person into our home on a couple occasions. Both after months of bible study with my dad. My dad got them both jobs. One went back to crack after a month or so. The other got baptised and shortly thereafter moved back to his hometown in the midwest. As far as I know he's still a witness.

  • doofdaddy

    From the same comment you quoted from...

    "Sure some witnesses will preach to anyone"

    Don't cherry pick

  • Quarterback

    I considered our family quite poor living and surviving in the sixties, But, most of the cong members had jobs. They weren't glamouros jobs, but they paid housing and food. Not too many had cable TV, that was a luxury. As long as you got to watch the, Rifle Man, 77 Sunset Strip, Ed Sullivan and the Hockey game we were happy. I don't remember homeless existing in Montreal. Housing was always affordable for everyone.

    throughout the next 50 yrs, inflation has robbed many of jobs, wealth, food, shelter, and a poor standard of living for some. This affects JW's and the rest of the population. Back then there was not such thing as unemployable. People were proud to say that they had a job.

    Geez...I'm sounding more like my Dad everyday.

  • hijosdelawatch

    Some time ago I thought there's always some job to do for those who want to work.

    But I live in a country with a 26 pc unemployment rate. In my area is even worst, 35 pc.

    The witnesses have been affected in the same way as non-witnesses. In fact, millions of manual jobs have dissapeared (mainly in construction) and then in government and public services. Social net was reduced.

    The Borg has done nothing. In fact, I know somw arrogant witnesses who complained about Babylon the Great that asked for search in Catholic institutions where they received food and social support without being asked about your believes.

    Immigrants were especially affected and those who were studying with the witesses received a good lesson about how the borg helps the poors: doing nothing.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Individual jws may help others and give them a hand up if they're jws themselves, but the org as a whole has no charity for its own members. According to them, Jehovah will look after you and if you're poor and destitute, it's either a test from Satan or you're not 'putting the kingdom first". If you were, Jehovah would give u all u need, right?

    The wt couldn't have a charity for unfortunate jws because it would undermine their promise that if you always go witnessing and to the meetings, Jehovah will provide.

  • KateWild

    I haven't seen JWs in that much poverty. I think the elders would df any who get that bad. I twould affect the cleanliness of the cong. That kind of poverty would be blamed on not doing enough and the bro's and sis's would jump to conclusions that they are boozing or gambling.

    They would be looked down on in our hall, but we have state benefits and housing benefits in the UK many live better than those working.

    Kate xx

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    We have a lot of welfare here in Australia too, but it's not easy to get anymore. Most jws on welfare are on a old age pension. There are sole I know on disability which is very very hard to getnowadays, but they got on it years ago when adhd and chronic fatigue syndrome were accepted by the government. Single mother jws are on benefits like non jw single mums. All these welfare categories are below Australia's poverty line, but jws on it manage to keep themselves and their crappy poor people housing neat and tidy. You gotta credit the cult for instilling good hygiene and personal presentation habits in its members.

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