Just for anyone reading this who isn't up to date, there are now 7 imperfect men.
But they are only 8 imperfect men!!!
by notsurewheretogo 36 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
that makes me wonder,now--are they less perfect at 7 than they were at 8?
Or perhaps there's more holy spirit available for each of them now!
When it comes to eternal salvation from the almighty creater of the universe... why would it make sense to trust ANY men?
A JW I know trotted this out to me recently.
JW: 'But they're just imperfect men that make mistakes.'
Me: 'Then why listen to them?'
JW: 'Becasue what they say comes from the bible.'
Me: 'If they make mistakes how do you know they didn't get it wrong from the bible?'
JW: 'Because it's from the bible.'
Me: 'Then why is god telling his mouthpiece wrong thing?'
JW: 'The light is getting brighter and they never claimed to be god's mouthpiece.'
Me: 'Look up mouthpiece on your watchtower library. Also, How do you know that what you believe today won't change tomorrow?'
JW: 'Because it's from the bible.'
Me: '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'
that makes me wonder,now--are they less perfect at 7 than they were at 8?
Because the number 7 represents heavenly perfection/completeness?
I brought up Psalms 146 which says "Do not put your trust in nobles. Nor in a son of man, who cannot bring salvation." I applied it to the GB and I got into a few arguments over that one.