According to it's now ok to celebrate xmas.....pass it on! Faders..Lurkers...SEE THIS

by Lied2NoMore 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • rmt1

    Upon reflection, I see I hastily reacted to this and got it wrong. I read the FAQ and the GB is simply baldly and flagrantly lying out their pie-hole. Of course they interfere with the private choices of the mentally, emotionally, socio-economically, etc, infirm. A simpler explanation. Whew. The universe is complex but not thoroughly inexplicable.

  • Finkelstein

    Here's even more of a blatant lie from that web page mt1.

    Myth: You divide families by teaching members not to celebrate Christmas.

    Fact: We care deeply about families, and we use the Bible to help build stronger families.

    The fact is this religious organization has decimated and broken apart millions of families since its beginning.

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    It's talking about the right of others to celebrate it, ie, non-witnesses, you womble.

  • Cold Steel


    The WBT$ is Run by Lying S.O.B`s..

    ..............................................................  photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

  • LV101

    The cult needs to tell their brainwashed clowns not to be ringing doorbells Christmas day if they truly do not "interefere in the celebrations of others." Their command is all it would take to nudge them in line. Yeah, right, more lies by the real estate monster. Maybe it's good those in service Christmas day do get a glimpse of the celebration and notice how beautiful real life is.

  • maninthemiddle

    The couple of times I was dragged in field service on Christmas day I sure as hell felt like I was interfering in their Christmas celebration.

  • WTWizard

    This is about "freedom of religion". People in the world are supposed to analyze their religion so they can become jokehovian witlesses. However, once one becomes a jokehovian, one must remain a jokehovian and not look elsewhere. And that goes for celebrating Christmas--seems the new viewpoint is that people in the world can celebrate Christmas, but we are supposed to be uncomfortable and worry ourselves sick about being drawn to it. It's just that we no longer try to stop them.

    Any active jokehovian trying to celebrate Christmas while active is still going to have Brother Hounder to contend with. This is similar to the blood and voting issues, even if the washtowel does downgrade it to a "conscience matter". Jokehovians are notorious for imposing their conscience on everyone else, and all it takes is one hounder to say "Don't do it because you will make others think it's acceptable" for any action to be banned. Do it anyways, and you will get a "brazen conduct" hearing--and "brazen conduct" is not a "conscience matter".

  • mindnumbed

    Shepherd the Flock of God

    Chapter 5, Page 65, Point 16 "Apostasy"

    includes the following ... Celebrating false religious holidays. Not all holidays directly involve false religion and require judicial action.

    If you can convince them that you were celebrating "Festivus", perhaps you can get away with it.

  • blondie

    Remember the WTS teaches that only certain people are entitled to the truth, definitely not any non-jws, and even many jws are not entitled.

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