A Facebook page that really needs to be trolled. I believe this pic is the Administrator of the page
Do Jehovah's Witnesses treat Watchtower publications like Idols
by Watchtower-Free 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Heres a link to a pic some one did highlighting the idolatrous JW (warning adult themed)
originally from
Apostate & Ex-Jehovalarious Meme Collection
on Facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/JWmeme/permalink/664207216953912/
dazed but not confused
Lol. My sister and her family – uber dubs – were in California last week on vacation. They kept taking pictures of every JW.org stand they came to along the beech. Making nauseating comments about where ever they go blah friends blah wonderful organization blah blessed blah…
At least I’m conscientious enough to block my mom and sister from seeing our kid’s happiness during birthdays and holidays. I wish they would extend the same courtesy to me. I don’t think they would understand the connection.
As somebody who wants to see as many as possible free themselves from the WT, this stuff concerns me. As good as the internet is at exposing WT lies, it also perpetuates this kind of JW circle jerk.
The super hardcore JWism is available throught these social outlets, allowing these people to interact with each other like its everyday, normal behavior.
So f'n weird.
..............................The WBT$ Presents..
..........................."Naughty WBT$ Bibles"..
I definitely think the organization as a whole is idolized. From the GB to the publications they print.
.I definitely think the organization as a whole is idolized.....wearewatchingyouman
...........I love everything WBT$!..
......I Love My Kingdom Hall Toilet!!..
Are the GB's toilets still gold plated? lol