Revelation was wirtten to those seven 1st century churhces not thechurhc of doolaly in florida etc. Those 1st cnetruy beleivers were fully expectant of The returning KIng in power and he did. He didnot lei or mislead them. There is no dual fulfillment or types and shadows of those 1st century events. It is done
There is no end of the world
by maccauk11 22 Replies latest watchtower bible
Yes we have achieved total peace on earth
John was exiled on Patmos, a Greek island.maybe he'd been a bit generous with the Ouzo???
John was exiled on Patmos, a Greek island.maybe he'd been a bit generous with the Ouzo???
ALl mankind has to do is listen to TheMessiah and acknowledge him as KIng of KIngs and enter into the new jeruslame which exists eternally. God is not angry with the nations the work of theHoly SPirit goes on andeventaully all people will come to a realsiation ofwho THe Messiah is and what was achived in the 1st cnetury.and enter in, every kneewillbend and head bow. Until you start thinking spiritully and see revelation uses hyperbole,symbolic metaphors to describe spiritual events in the1st century and not be conditioned emotionally, physcologically and mentally by man to think otherwise.
I've been looking into preterist theology lately. Any good recommendations on books?
Im not a preterist but there is a lot of information i think on and
Eh... I like holding books, making notes etc. etc. in my research. The internet is great for researching certain aspects, but for a base I prefer the written word on paper. Thanks though. Just out of curiousity what do you consider your theology. How is it different from preterism? It seems you hold many of the same beliefs.
Yeah this has been a very intriging piont of view that i too have been researching. The thought that jesus time and time again refured to this generation and the scritpure where he says that some would not die before they say the son of man coming with his kingdom. Not to mention that the book of Revelations says time and time again that these things will shortly take place. Very Interesting