Its almost 9:30pm Christmas night. Due to hubby being a jw I am never invited to any holiday dinners. Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving ect. Its been that way for the last 2 years. I hate to ask but can someone finally wish me a Merry Christmas? Thanks in advanced.
Can I get a Merry Christmas?
by KariOtt 16 Replies latest jw friends
Merry Christmas.
Can't you let people know to invite you both anyway? If your husband wants to decline, go anyway.
finally awake
Merry Christmas, friend.
Merry Xmas!
rebel8..... I have told then repeatly that I am not a witness and that I would like to be included. Its no use.
everyone else..... thanks
Maybe wearing Xmas sweaters around the holidays would help?
Seriously though, Merry Christmas!
and a happy New Year as well
Merry Christmas!
KarriOtt, Merry Christmas, may you find love and happiness in this next year!
Merry Christmas my dear.thinking of you.
how about joining some charity/women's group that need volunteers over the holidays??giving and helping is a great way to feel appreciated.
Best wishes for 2014.