I can't believe hubby and sis in law actually went out in service today. When he left this morrning I reminded him to inform those who didn't slam their doors on them that if they join your cult that this will be the last Christmas, holiday and birthday they will be allowed to celebrate. I thought it very inapproiate going out today to knock on doors trying to get converts.
Hubby went out in service today.
by KariOtt 17 Replies latest jw friends
LOL! You're pulling our legs? They went out TODAY!?!? REALLY!
Anyway, as you may know, I've been accused of being a militant atheist before, but I can set my militancy aside for a moment and wish you a merry XMas!
adamah..... yes they really went out today. No lie.
I think you should share with him what a horrible example he was for the Org today. He is directly going against their stated stance on X-mas on JW.org. Making liars out of the GB. Shame on him. If knocking on the doors of people celebrating their holiday isn't "interfering in the celebrations of others", I don't know what is.
"Although we choose not to celebrate Christmas ourselves, we respect each person’s right to decide for himself in this matter. We do not interfere in the Christmas celebrations of others." http://www.jw.org/en/jehovahs-witnesses/faq/why-not-celebrate-christmas/
Stand for Pure Worship
Even when I really believed, going out on Christmas and Thanksgiving just seemed ultra disrespectful. I mean showing up uninvited at any time of the year is obtrusive, but especially so on a holiday that non-JWs are only all too aware that JWs don't celebrate. I mean every non-dub unfamiliar with just how bonkers this religion is, is familiar enough to know we don't celebrate Christmas. I texted our resident go-to-for-demo-last-minute-young-gung-ho-regular pioneer to see if she went out in FS, and she scoffed at the thought. Her family is ultra zealous, but they all treated today as a holiday.
I used to go out in FS on Christmas-we were especially encouraged to as people would be home and their thoughts would be on Jesus! Back then the magazines always featured articles about Christmas (pagan origins of course!) and would feature Jesus usually on the cover of one of the December issues.
In later years we would use the Greatest Man book in December door to door.
But I also felt we were disturbing people too much going door to door on Christmas and stopped going out then. I have not been out in door to door FS in about 13 years but stopped going out on Christmas long before that.
I don't know what to say.it's pretty rude disturbing people.I never went out over the high days or holidays but that's just me.I dissuaded my mum to go out on Christmas eve this year.
Witness My Fury
Tell him you will not be cooking or cleaning or doing anything for him that you feel in any way "enables" or indirectly "supports" him in his cult endeavors anymore, .... tell him it is a conscience matter and it bothers your conscience doing it.
Or you could just leave him and find someone who isnt in a cult and get on with your life......
Black Sheep
Did he tell them Jehovah is going to kill their babies if they didn't join his church?
... and then wish them a Merry Christmas? ...
Hey, WFM. That's a damn good idea. What's good for the goose and all that!!! Poor lady. Being subjugated to this horrible religon.