We all have heard the cliche's about denial and the process
that it is reputed to begin.
First, a person vigorously DENIES that something is true.
After some bargaining with God or other improbable attempts
at escaping fate, the person becomes resigned to the inevitable
and accepts it.
Can this same process happen to the Watchtower's leadership,
collectively? In the near future, they may be hit with a never
ending train of sliding statistics, scandals, vacuous literature,
legal pressures, defections, downsizing, mistakes, and decreasing
revenue. Will this exposure of their vunerability finally beat
them down into acceptance of their fading into history?
I think it might - I believe this has happened to other centralized
organizations before - a collective loss of motivation - and feeling
that their 'day' has come - and gone.
This would apply to the leadership, Bethelites, C.O.'s and the like
rather than to the rank and file directly. I assume the average
Witness is far too lacking in critical thinking to catch on.
For them, Armageddon is always tomorrow and the Society is always