Is Collective Resignation Possible?

by metatron 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    We all have heard the cliche's about denial and the process
    that it is reputed to begin.

    First, a person vigorously DENIES that something is true.

    After some bargaining with God or other improbable attempts
    at escaping fate, the person becomes resigned to the inevitable
    and accepts it.

    Can this same process happen to the Watchtower's leadership,
    collectively? In the near future, they may be hit with a never
    ending train of sliding statistics, scandals, vacuous literature,
    legal pressures, defections, downsizing, mistakes, and decreasing
    revenue. Will this exposure of their vunerability finally beat
    them down into acceptance of their fading into history?

    I think it might - I believe this has happened to other centralized
    organizations before - a collective loss of motivation - and feeling
    that their 'day' has come - and gone.

    This would apply to the leadership, Bethelites, C.O.'s and the like
    rather than to the rank and file directly. I assume the average
    Witness is far too lacking in critical thinking to catch on.

    For them, Armageddon is always tomorrow and the Society is always


  • Sargon

    I can't see this ever happening as long as there is still a cash flow.

    Imagination is more important than Knowledge. Albert Einstein

  • metatron

    They'll always be some cash flow, however diminished.

    Yet, I think great changes can come about if the Theocratic
    commissars collectively look at themselves in the mirror each
    morning and say "God, this is bullsh*t!". Not everyone in this
    organization can operate as a deceived idiot - that's partly
    why they are downsizing and getting into trouble. They still
    have stubborn 'true believers' in charge - getting old and
    getting irrelevant.

    What about the strange way the blood card was handled? They
    agree on the wording, print it, and ship it - then cancel it!
    Warring factions? Confused committees? Slipping faith by some?

    We've already seen what can happen locally when some elders
    encounter the internet and then can't go on anymore.

    Even if the leadership turned completely cynical and atheistic
    in secret, that would bring about great changes.


  • Quotes

    I doubt a collective resignation is possible. Even if they shrunk back down to just a few thousand worldwide, that would only serve to increase their resolve.

    They would probably quote the scripture about "narrow is the path and few are the ones finding it". Those remaining would have additional "proof" that they have the "truth".

    It would be a rather interesting concept, though, to see them de-evolve back into the tiny movement they were 120 years ago when the started.

    After all, what is needed to keep the "spiritual food" coming? A word processor, and a photocopier, and a mail list with enough paid subscribers to cover the cost of postage. Or the info could be emailed for almost no cost (*heavens NO* that would require use of the internet! )

    They could sink into oblivion, but they will never dissappear. Oh well...

    For interesting Watchtower Society literature quotes, complete with references but without any editorial, check out:

  • Valis

    In Terrel, Texas in the late 70's or early 80's I believe there was a congregation that split over beliefs. The opposing group still wanted Hall privilidges as well. Could this be considered a collective resignation? Is there any info on other congos that have done so? It would also be interesting to know the greatest number DFd at one time for the same reason, or just left for that matter.


    District Overbeer

  • metatron

    again, I'm speaking of resignation metaphorically.

    In this scenario, they just lose the will to fight.
    Disbelief starts becoming open. Apathy sets into the
    leadership. The bragging arrogance gives way to a feeling
    of "whatever".


  • SYN

    Metatron: Judging by your post, I doubt you've ever been a Dub. If you were, you'd know the absolute fanaticism and greed for power that does it's darndest to keep people in the BORG, no matter how bad things get. Plus, there's the cash-flow.

    "Until they become conscious, they will never rebel. Until they rebel, they will never become conscious." - George Orwell

  • clash_city_rockers

    You also have to take into account that the structure of the organisation is different now than when it was ran by a bunch of old guys. The WT is basically ran by a bunch of corprate lawyer types. No kidding and so any hope of mass exodus from the organisation from the Geand Pubahs is very unlikely. The people in charge like thier position of power. What may happen is some doctrinal change or some sort of reorganisation of the organisation.

  • metatron

    I wish, in fact, I never was!

    Keep in mind, that we're discussing a situation that has no
    precedent in the past 80 years or so - an organization that loses
    its image of invunerability - in ways that will be manifest to

    Imagine the CHANGE in arguments away from scriptures and TOWARDS
    Witnesses explaining why they're broke - or why congregations
    are shutting down - or why everything seems to be falling apart,
    theocratically speaking.

    Further, I am emphasizing the role of leaders here, not the
    easily deceived Joe Average Witness.

    If the guys at the top stop believing,
    that changes everything.

    That will make the Watchtower NO DIFFERENT from ordinary


  • SYN

    I agree with you Metatron, except for one point, and that is that the guys at the top are very quickly replaced if they show the least signs of weakness. There's always zealous, "spiritually mature" brothers to take their place, every second. They're just straining to get past that glass ceiling. So it's still a non-event, as far as I'm concerned. The BORG is here to stay, and we Apostates can only try and rescue the lower minions, the R&F. Anybody above the level of CO is probably too far gone to save anyway, and is drunk with their power. I know of no such a man (always a man) who would give up that position of power merely because of some doctrinal errors!

    "Until they become conscious, they will never rebel. Until they rebel, they will never become conscious." - George Orwell


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