Satan, the God of Freedom, ruling the world? I wish. Then there would be no communism, no regulations that hinder progress, no establishment holding science to the agenda, no Agenda 21, no need to prepare now for hyperinflation or regular rolling blackouts, no Internet II, no homogenization of all the media, and no needing to go toil for a boss that doesn't give a fxxx about you. You could start a business, practice open astrology, and ultimately the spiritual and science would merge. You would see science documenting the energy of the planets and constellations, documenting the astral, documenting runes, and actually healing instead of milking patients. And you would see it taught in schools.
As for church, if they were all in Satan's hands, then why do they all teach about a nazarene that never existed? Why do they all prevent people from using the occult by getting people to be afraid of hellfire? None of them teach people to use astrology properly, or teach them to use magick. And neither do the Jewish and Islamic religions--both admonish adherents to refrain from this while those at the top of all three practice black magick on society to enslave us all. They are all trying to get global communism, which Satan is totally against. And they claim the world is ruled by Satan?