This week in the brochure for the "bible reading" it states on subject 24. That Jehovahs witnesses wrote a century ago that Jehovahs bacjs us and we do t take donations "and we NEVER have!!!!".....please someone post the information to prove this as a lie as we all know they used to charge for literature. This is an outright lie lol ridiculous.
This weeks LIE in the brochure
by DS211 36 Replies latest jw experiences
Are u able to post a scan or quote?
yep that's definitely a lie. I agree.
I remember the deep relief transitioning from the awkward plaintive mew of asking for 50 cents for the both of them, and seeing the householder check his pocketses for change, and sometimes finding some and sometimes not, and sometimes me sheepishly putting the mags back in my bag because he could/would not pay for them, to the awkward plaintive mew of asking the householder to just take the goddam forsaken soul-crushing pieces of trash out of my hand FOR FREE and let me get away.
yep, picked up on the same thing. "we will never beg or petition"
pe·ti·tion (p
1. A solemn supplication or request to a superior authority; an entreaty.
2. A formal written document requesting a right or benefit from a person or group in authority.
3. Law
a. A formal written application requesting a court for a specific judicial action: a petition for appeal.
b. The judicial action asked for in any such request.
4. Something requested or entreated.
Yep they just say stuff like todzys one day assembly expenses are only $5000.00
I always like to listen to the accounts report they read at the assemblies to make it sound like they desperately need donations. As they read the figures I could see we had more than enough funds to cover costs. Then they read off how they sent donations to the Worldwid Work and to this and to that, so now we are back in a deficit. and brothers! Don't miss this opportunity to give to Jehovah!
Hey! How about you have assembly costs covered before sending off your donations to the society!
Then there's the 2-3 page spread they do in the ragazines every few months about ways to contribute. Shameless, pathetic begging if I've ever seen it.
The Searcher
Also, the blatant levy or tax on every congregation's publishers to finance the air fares of missionaries etc to bring them home for conventions in 2014! Also, the deception of the Kingdom Hall Fund - the money DONATED (in the mind of the giver!) is supposed to be used to help provide Kingdom Halls where needed. NOPE!! The money which is donated, is LOANED to those in need of a new KH, and then the Org claws it back from that congregation's own funds through time. Therefore, the Org uses a MONEY-LENDING set-up for the donations - thereby keeping money which was NOT donated for the Org's use, but for needy congregations!
*** jv chap. 21 p. 340 How Is It All Financed? ***
“Seats Free. No Collections”
As early as the second issue of the Watch Tower, in August 1879, Brother Russell stated: “‘Zion’s Watch Tower’ has, we believe, JEHOVAH for its backer, and while this is the case it will never beg nor petition men for support. When He who says: ‘All the gold and silver of the mountains are mine,’ fails to provide necessary funds, we will understand it to be time to suspend the publication.” Consistent with that, there is no begging for money in the literature of Jehovah’s Witnesses.
And this is the brochure quote:(This should be on )
*** j (Jehovah's Will 2012 Brochurel lesson 24 p. 27 How Is Our Worldwide Work Financed? ***
We do not tithe, charge dues, or take up collections. Although the costs of supporting our evangelizing work are high, we do not solicit money. Over a century ago, the second issue of the Watchtower magazine stated that we believe we have Jehovah as our backer and that we “will never beg nor petition men for support”—and we never have!—Matthew 10:8.