No more doubts for me! Good-bye JWN! We have THE TRUTH!

by DATA-DOG 106 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    BP2: "Nowadays it is a patchwork of different fixes and "corrections" that it has become a nightmare to maintain."

    It was originally designed to run on IBM's OS/2 operating system. So under the skin it's a model T. Then it was reworked to run on Microsoft and Apple operating systems. GUI interfaces and added functionality were cobbled together on new releases like slapping a few new parts and bondo and electronic gadgets on the old model T. Yes, it was a nightmare, but that's the way WT rolls.

  • JWdaughter

    Actually, it kind of seems like a modern day Tower of Babel. . .hmmm. We all know how that scenario went, huh?

  • prologos

    billy, it sounds like the cobbled together doctrinal mess that is continuing to embarras the wt cobblers.

    bsw: even the astronauts going to the moon were needed to fix&handle the computer glitches, soft/hardware shortcomings.but at least NASA accomplished something, whereas wt----.

    so will Data DOG's perhaps "virtual" return be a wt accomplishment?

  • BluePill2

    Billy, my man! Nice to see you here. You definitely have tha shit together about insider info

    It seems that anything they touch starts to need mayor "corrections" and "fixes" and ends up being a mess. M.E.P.S. resembles their doctrine and also the patch work resembles the Life of many witnesses. I just run through a few Facebook profiles of people I knew from back then (Bethel time) and man! they look old, fat and tired! Some profiles are huge advertisements for the Borg and some others are plain dumb and you can see that they don't have a Life.

    Sad. Sad people. Really.

  • BluePill2


    Wow some book publishers developed a program to translate languages, with 100 years of free workforce and billions of dollars in the bank... It is a MIRACLE! Praise the press!

    Yep. ESPECIALLY free workforce.

  • Apognophos

    To be fair, all codebases progress steadily toward complete suckitude over time. The major desktop OSes we use today were first written in the '80s, and that code all got thrown out by the time the '90s were over because it was too hard to maintain and improve by then. It's like trying to build new levels on top of a one-story building. After a while the whole thing is so rickety and top-heavy that you need to start over with a new foundation.

  • snare&racket

    Data dog needs to buy an Ipad, if MEPS technology impresses him, he will have a seizure when he meets SIRI.

  • fulltimestudent

    If you wish to follow an argument that Islam also learned to use a printing method before Europeans, you can check it out at:

    There's a lot more information about the development of printing in east Asia. Try for a good overview.

    The Chinese also developed movable type, but it was not particularly suited to a writing system based on ideograms - which were however a result of Chinese being a tonal language. The Koreans however, changed from the use of Chinese characters, to an alphetical system and found movable type convenient - they went on to invent metal moveable type.

    And what of Gutenberg? John M. Hobson (grandson of the famous John A. Hobson) argues in his 'The Eastern Origins of Western Civilisation,' for some line of transmission for printing technology from either China or Korea likely during the time of the Pax Mongolia, when many western missionaries were able to journey to China.

    So, if the ability to transmit religious dogma is a sign that a certain religious belief is "true," then the Buddha (who does not claim to be a god) wins hands down.

  • SadElder

    Methinks he doth protest too much.

  • wasblind

    Wasn't Steve Jobs Buddist ?

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