Why do Jehovah Witnesses hate when you bring up going to Jesus?

by sheila wright 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • prologos

    JW like Atheists? Atheists may not HATE when you say the J word, but feel sorry for you.

    not that they are right, but you may be wronger. (not even wrong) wolfgang pauli.

  • leaving_quietly

    BTW, welcome to the board, Sheila!

    Matt 23:13 shows how the Pharisees shut up the kingdom of the heavens. A recent post by another new poster asked some simple questions in relation to whether one's religion was, in effect, pharisaical. See here

  • Crazyguy

    Yeah the elders really hated when i mentioned the scripture where Jesus says God will call ones to me (jesus). and they really hated it infact one of them his eyes got big when i mention the scripture were jesus said where there are two or more in my name thier i will be also. They really dont like that scripture because it helps to blow up the only ORG that matters is thiers. All in all Jesus is just an angel that died for us and went back to being and angel in their opinion, they would stop talking about him altogher if they could.

  • Honesty

    Because Jehovah's Witnesses have been deceived into believing the 8 man Governing body instead of believing Jesus.

    Deep down inside they know that they are rejecting Jesus but satan makes them believe that evrything is going to be alright because they swallow the lie that "he who has died has been acquitted from [his] sin" and besides, jehovah's Witnesses have good intentions even if they are wrong.

  • Ding

    JWs think that if you honor the Son too much you are dishonoring the Father.

    John 5:23 says otherwise.

  • leaving_quietly

    Good verse, Ding. The last time WT even mentioned that one was in 1964.

  • zeb

    Jesus; He's a good bloke.

  • scary21

    It's all about Jehovah and his organization.

    Jehovah and his.....................organization. Jehovah and his ................yes, his organization....NOT Jesus. When I have asked about this, they say.....................................We talk about Jesus all the time when we pray...... injesusnameamen.. So funny so sad !

  • Island Man
    Island Man

    They are actually closet christophobes. It's a christophobic religion that tolerates calling itself christian only by first diminutively distorting the importance of christ and then claiming to follow their version of him*. Anyone who compares the writings of the NT with the actual speech of JWs would soon realize that they are no where near as christ-focused as the first century bible writers were. JWs are Jehovah-centric and Organization-centric.

    They claim in their official doctrine that Jesus is the head of the congregation. But how often do you hear JWs referring to their organization as "Jesus' organization" (as opposed to "Jehovah's Organization")? How often do they speak about the direction coming from their organization as "Jesus' direction" (as opposed to "Jehovah's direction")? How often do you hear them speak of someone who left the organization as having "left Jesus" (as opposed to having "left Jehovah")? How often do you hear a speaker referring to the provisions of the organization as being provisions "from Jesus" (as opposed to provisions "from Jehovah")?

    Referring to Jesus in all of the aforementioned contexts does not constitute worshiping Jesus and all are in harmony with the JW teaching that Jesus is the head of the congregation. So why are JWs so reluctant to speak of him in these ways? They are christophobic! Jehovah and the faithful and discreet slave get all the lip-commendation of the JWs. Jesus is just a doctrinal point on paper. Unlike Jehovah and The Organization/Faithful and Discreet Slave, he does not occupy any substantive place in the hearts of JWs - not even second to Jehovah. He is a distant third after the idolized organization.


    * The JW organization loves to redefine words and terms to suit its own ends. It redefines the word Christendom to exclude itself - even though it is a part of Christendom according to the standard definition of the word. It redefines Creationist to exclude itself - even though JWs are Creationists according to the standard definition of the word. It implicitly redefines the word solicit to exclude it's own efforts to encourage JWs to donate money to the organization. It redefined the word vengeful to claim that Jehovah is not vengeful - even though the standard definition of the word perfectly matches the picture that many bible texts paint of him - see Psalm 94:1; Psalm 58:6-10 and Jeremiah 46:10 to name a few.

  • piztjw

    OT a bit: Posted above German concentration camps.

    "Arbeit Macht Frei" ("Work makes you free). Of course it was an attempt to calm the fears of the Jews and others who entered there so that they wouldn't realize that they were about to be executed.

    because: Jesus, as recorded in John 8:31,32: "--the truth will set you free--" and WT wants to keep it's slave slaving.

    Perhaps a new slogan for the WTB&T$ instead of the "Read God's Word The Bible Daily" should be:


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