Besides it being pseudoscience, what interests me about this is that even though it's something to do with the "qi" energy flowing in our bodies, that wasn't a problem for some members of my family or a special pioneer I knew.
New Study Exposes Acupuncture As Pseudoscience
by alecholmesthedetective 70 Replies latest social current
Witness My Fury
Say it aint so!!
Plenty more hocum out there as well ..
I need to get my chakras cleaned now by a self taught pseudo doctor using a pedulum and whale music...
The mind is powerful...
I've seen horses being acupunctured. They had needles all in their butts, and totally calmed down like they were drugged (but no drugs given). So, it's not quack.
I seem to recall acupuncture being "strongly discouraged" as spiritisim many years ago. It was only when the Society started trying to make inroads into China and the Chinese community in the US when it suddenly became permitted.
Captain Obvious
JWs love pseudoscience! Anything to distrust Satan's medical system. I've yet to meet a JW who will accept that homeopathy is bullshit.
Qi energy or not, they will give it a try. As long as there isn't any hand waving or chanting.
Ive even known JWs who have made their living on homeopathy and reflexology
Witness My Fury
Needles stimulating nerves or other reactions has zero, nada, zip to do with mystical QI energy flow being blocked or unblocked, it just doesnt.
That is where the quackery is, in the whole belief system it is based on.
The article wisely points out that 'a placebo effect is not the same as no effect'. Both groups reported feeling better.
Why not take these wonderful skeptics and have them publically beaten for endlessly reporting "placebo effects" without ever pinning down how belief results in a cure or betterment?
If you think I'm being angry or unreasonable, ask yourself -how many years have gone by since Norman Cousins wrote "Anatomy Of An Illness" in which he brought placebos to public attention? How many people are aware that some mainstream surgery relies on the placebo effect?
How many decades or centuries (!!) will it take before somebody establishes the placebo mechanism and thereafter, we get to discard a surprizing amount of prescribed drugs and medical treatments?
Metatron - Double blind trials exist to sort out placebo from clinical efficacy.
This is probably just another study funded by conventional medice to give it a bad name. They have done it with every form of alternative medice and therapies. I personally went to a acupressure specialist and with in a half hour he did more for my back then any doctor I tried. And finally the person that realy help even more was a quack chiroprator that realigned my atlas.
Also have a heart problem and the doctors solution was nuclear meds with bad side effect. Found out about quo q10 before it became main stream and started taking high doses after reading a study. Made heart problem go away.
So bring on the quackery medical stuff ill take that over regular doc's and the pharmaceutical industry that doesn't care about helping people or curing anything they just want money.