It would be nice if Angharad would post a thread!

by Yadira Angelini 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Yadira Angelini
    Yadira Angelini

    That is my desire. I can't keep up with the new posts, so how can I go back and read old posts? Angharad... would you post a thread for us?... there must something we all will benefit from it. Ahhh, assuming you would post, please give us a 'juicy gossip'from Simon. ups! Love,


  • Angharad

    Urmmm OK, what would you like to know?

    I keep saying I'll post more but never do!

  • MikeMusto
    what would you like to know?

    Could God make a burritto so hot that he himself couldnt eat it?
    How much woood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
    Van Halen-What were they thinking??
    Does Dubla love me?

  • Imbue

    Yardina...she will post when she feels like it. Some people are hesitant to post. Please don't push her. I don't know about Angharad but some here were forced to answer questions at the KH when they were children. It may give them flash backs to horrible to comprehend by those of us not raised in the

    "Not part of the inner circle class"-Larc

  • Simon

    Angharad is very timid online and is now under intense pressure to start a new topic ...

    I'm sure she will think of a way to embarass me

  • Angharad

    No problem Yadira, I'm just slow but I'll think of something

  • RedhorseWoman

    Perhaps, Ang, you could post about the time several years ago, when the board was new, when Simon..... Oh, but maybe not.

  • Yadira Angelini
    Yadira Angelini

    Angharad! no body can be as bad as me..... my first post was a disaster; I didn't even know this whole 'enchilada' or anyone of you... and... I jumped on the pool! I'm so embarrased to remember... I would like for Simon to delate it... then, I posted that thread asking Simon if there was "elite on the forum"... when people were answering that thread, I didn't even know that I was suppose to take care of it by visiting often... And gets even worse! when Simon mentioned in that thread that Anghard was sure that she kills the threads... I have not idea who she was... little did I know he was talking about his own wife. I had the flu and it was to late by the time I get to the thread... the very thing I started the thread for I became guilty of. So, OK Imbue's oppinion I respect and everyone else here... and I apologize for asking. Can you please tell us Angharad how many times Simon gets mad at you and what can of faces he makes?... never mind! You guys are great and I feel so privilaged to be part of this forum... please, never kick me out; even when I misbehaved... just send me to the corner. Angharad, whenever you are ready give a piece of your mind! Ears waiting...Love,


  • Prisca

    Yeah, what's Simon really like to live with???

    I'd be interested in what Ang's views are, about anything.

    Come out and play with us Ang

  • bitter mango
    bitter mango

    ((ang)), i haven't even been here a year and i have twice as many posts as you! *ashamed of myself * no worries, no need to post anything thought-provoking.. just follow me !

    the scalpel shines in god's sunshine
    street lights whisper pain
    down here near the poison stream our god has gone insane

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