This religion, like many cults, uses every means possible to manipulate and control their members. One of the easiest ways to do that is by holding our families hostage via a form of emotional blackmail.
The saddest part is that "going back for family" almost never works. I know. been there, done that.
This religion tears families apart and devastates relationships that should be sacred, inviolable. They care not for the damage they do. I have come to know that I would rather have a few people in my circle that love me for WHO I am rather than many people that offer conditional approval for WHAT (I pretend) to believe.
This is not for everyone, but it works for me.
That being said. I miss my children. I hate this religion for taking them from me. I have tried everything I can think of--read every book on the subject, every post on this forum--to get them back. Nothing has worked, at least so far.
I haven't given up hope, but I must be realistic. Although 67% of all people "born in" as JWs eventually leave the religion, that doesn't mean my children ever will.
I keep doing what I can to reach them, but ultimately it is up to them.
This is the same with everyone.
We must make our own life for ourselves.
I believe that the best thing we can do for ourselves and our loved ones is to live a real, authentic life. Nothing speaks louder than reality. Unfortunately some people are too deaf to hear it.
For some strange reason they prefer the lies.