Ya know what snare, im not bothered really if they DO drop me like a sack of poo. If their friendship is that conditional then so be it, ive got me, and you guys. I've got hobbies, and I'm fairly gregarious, I think I'm generally a good friend to friends. I'll be able to make more. The only thing I'm concerned about is the missus. Only time will tell with that. Damn this long game....
musings from a sound booth - good and bad experiences in one morning of ministry
by Captain Blithering 21 Replies latest jw friends
I would imagine a wifi in a KH would be sent to allow only jw.org period. You can set up a router to block basically anything. Also, the rounter can tell which devices are connected and you can even find out where they are visiting, so I would use a cell net service if it were me.
Big hugs cap'n blith x
Captain Blithering
Cheers snare, you seem like a thoroughly bloody decent chap, I enjoy your posts very much, and if I still had my elders book I'd copy the notes for you in a trice!
That's very kind of you, but I'd never read them.... Someone else might though and it may change their life! Another may read them and win a court case! Another may read them and decide 'enough is enough' and leak more and more useful info!
It would just be toilet reading for me, inbetween Cyanide and Happiness comics like...
and listening to opie and anthony on youtube (hilarious NY radio show) like...
Aww everyone knows my poop routine now.... :(
Damn this long game....-CB
I couldn't do the long game, but I have got complications of conscience now I am out. That's exiting a cult though. For me the quicker I do it the better, and hopefully my son who still goes will exit soon. Kate xx
The thought of fs makes me sick. Lucky for me my husband feels the same.
We put in token report and do not go out.
jws are only friends if you do everything right according to the Watchtower.
Though if you are not in with the in crowd you are not liked and treated badly.
Hmmm friends?
Captain Blithering
Yep Jen, there's a LOT of conditionality out there.
Well done with the token service though, that's a goal I'm aiming for! It's good to have goals!!!
And Snare, thanks for putting me onto Anthony and Opie, I'm always on the lookout for new podcasts to while away the hours at work..
the lovely missus said "you cant place those" so i said half sarcastically "the truth never goes out of date or changes" . A long moment passed then she turned to me and said "yes it does!"
Classic! Those are the moments I'll always miss because I couldn't be a good double agent. Ah, well, it's more fun out here anyway.
Doing the sound booth was pretty much as much fun as you could possibly have during a meeting, if you ask me. So how do you manage to not get caught by the bros carrying mikes? You mean they never look at you while they're standing there? Or are you like totally enclosed?
Anyway, I think the reason I can't do it is because I can't take it seriously anymore. I mean, how do you say all that stuff with a straight face now? I know I can do the satire, but...being around folks who would actually read and believe said satire as essentially the word from above, wow...ha ha ha...oh, man.
Hey, that reminds me. I think the two-day assembly is coming up for the Mrs. Hmm. Well, at least she hasn't tried to invite me or ask me to come with her.
It's got to be awful, I do remember how it was. Hang in there.
Captain Blithering
The sound box is indeed a nice distraction for the waffle coming out of the speakers.. I've used my phone ever since the APP came out, so it's not unusual for the brothers to see me using it, although typing is a lot different to swishing a screen!! Yes, they look, but they'll not see anything.
The straight face thing, it's becoming increasingly difficult for sure. I was with a group of them talking the other day about the 'water canopy'. I simply couldn't join in, I KNEW I'd not be able to maintain my cover...
I posted on here from the platform while I was reading the WT a while back, (my 'Ahh sweet rebellion' thread). That was fun! I really wanna post during a TALK but that'll be more difficult. Not impossible though, I'd just have to type it out beforehand, and submit it while up there. I'd take a picture from the platform as proof but that would easily give me away....