Dear Bruja,
Your words strike such a cord in me. The need for living in the present and looking to the future is a real issue for me too. And your remarks about the need to deal with the feelings of the losses suffered from the years used up and the indoctrination that we are still scrubbing out of our minds.
I love that you are showing him how the JW experience can affect people --that's what the film was about, I guess. Even if he never can fully understand, it is great that he cares enough to watch it.
I, too, rely on others to help me in my life beyond my husband. Though he loves me dearly, he is not interested in anything relating to religion or especially the JWs.
So here I come, to the forum.
One of my sons once told me that he is tired of putting so much effort into life/people and getting so little in return. I am not sure how one measures these things.
It is good, I think, to take some pleasure in the giving so that one is able to receive a little at the same time.
Like watching that guy making those wonderful deep-fried breads (yum!) having fun that others can enjoy--simply, simply.
Take care, sugar cookie. We want to hear from your life in Spain as it goes along--well!