Watchtower Vs The Ratbot

by ThiChi 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • ThiChi

    They can now control rats from implants using a laptop. For some reason, this worries me. Is it because of my JW background, where control is not done though a computer, but through the pages of the Watchtower and enforced on the local level by the Congregation Task Masters (i.e., Elders)?

    Scientists unveil the Ratbot, a robot with whiskers

    Rodent with newly developed brain implants and radio backpack could be used to find earthquake victims or detect land mines
    By Steve Connor Science Editor
    02 May 2002

    The age of the robotic rodent is upon us. A study has shown the movements of a live rat can be controlled by using a laptop computer, a radio and a set of microelectrodes implanted into the animal's brain.

    "Ratbot", as the creature has been named, could one day be used to rescue earthquake victims buried under rubble, seek out land mines or even, with the help of miniature video cameras, spy inside secret installations.

    Scientists used brain implants and tiny radio "backpacks" to guide five rats through a complex maze, composed of ladders, steps, hoops and ramps, from a distance of more than 500 yards.

    Human operators were able to steer the Ratbots through the obstacle course as if they were guiding intelligent robots, said Sanjiv Talwar, a researcher at the State University of New York, who helped to run the study, published in the journal Nature.

    "One can think of the guided rat as a very good robot platform capable of traversing terrain that modern robots are unable to do," Dr Talwar said yesterday.

    The experiment involved exploiting the principle that an animal can be trained to do tasks by stimulating "reward" regions of the brain that normally respond to food, drink and sex.

    Professor Patrick Bateson, an expert on animal behaviour at Cambridge University, said: "It's been known for a long time that animals will work like anything to get these rewards."

    In conventional animal training, a morsel of food can be used as a reward "re- inforcement". In laboratory tests going back 40 years scientists have shown that direct electrical stimulation of the brain's pleasure centres is just as good or even better.

    In this latest experiment, microelectrodes implanted directly into the reward centre of the rat's brain – a region called the medial forebrain bundle – were stimulated each time the rat made a move in the "correct" direction.

    At the same time, the scientists implanted another set of electrodes into the brain regions receiving nerve impulses from the right and left set of whiskers. The rats were trained to move to each side depending on which set of whiskers was stimulated. If they did it correctly they were given a "reward" to the medial forebrain bundle.

    The rats also quickly learnt to associate the stimulation of their brains' reward centres with simply walking forwards, even if this involved climbing or descending ladders or steps, or moving into the centre of a brightly lit room – something that most rats would avoid.

    Dr Talwar said, however, that there were clear limits to what each rat could be made to do. "The rats worked within their instincts. They appeared to finely calibrate their awareness of a difficult obstacle versus the pleasure they would receive if they overcame it," he said.

    Nevertheless, the rats were easily guided through pipes and across elevated runways and ledges, and could be instructed to climb, or jump from, any surface with a good foothold, such as a tree, the scientists write in Nature.

    "We were also able to guide rats in systematically exploring large, collapsed piles of concrete rubble, and to direct them through environments that they would normally avoid, such as brightly lit, open areas," they say.

    John Chapin, the leader of the research team and professor of physiology and pharmacology at the State University of New York, said that the rats could be made to "search" for an hour without showing any signs of getting tired or bored. "A search-and-rescue dog costs $60,000 [£43,000] to maintain and you cannot use them in very tight spaces," Dr Chapin said. "Nor could you use a dog to discover land mines, since the weight of the animal would detonate the explosive. A rat, however, being small and light, could sit on the mine without exploding it.

    "In addition, rats are more mobile than mechanical robots, which are often stymied by obstacles such as fences, rocks and debris. While robots would be useful in environments where a living thing could not survive, such as where there are fires or poisonous gases, the rat has rather sophisticated navigational skills developed over 200 million years of evolution. It makes sense to make good use of the animal's abilities," Dr Chapin said.

    The Chapin team published work in 1999 showing that rats could be trained to operate a robotic arm using the power of thought alone.

    In this experiment, each rat had microelectrodes implanted into the region of the brain that controlled the movement of its limbs. The animals were then trained to operate a lever with a foot to release food.

    After a period of time, the operation of the lever was taken over by a mechanical arm and each rat quickly learnt that the mere thought of using its limbs to operate the lever still resulted in access to the food.

    Another set of experiments a year later on monkeys showed that the same principle could be applied to primates. In this test the scientists even managed to get the monkeys to use mind control to operate robotic arms over the internet some 600 miles away.

    One aim of the research is to develop a means whereby severely paralysed patients could control the movements of robot arms and other devices by the power of thought alone.

    According to Dr Talwar, the latest work on Ratbot could lead to a way of controlling a robotic arm with the extra help of the sense of touch.

    "The larger idea behind the study was to continue our research in neurorobotics," Dr Talwar said. "We wanted to get an idea about how effectively can animals sense brain- stimulation cues. This would enable us to evaluate the feasibility of a 'sensory' prosthesis, which could enable paralysed patients to experience sensations such as touch and so be able to better control an artificial limb through a suitable brain-machine interface," he said.

    If this research continues to advance, the age of Ratbot could be a prelude to the day when paralysed humans could operate artificial limbs, just like the half-human cyborgs of science fiction.

    Animal Magic: From dogs to dolphins

    Search-and-rescue dogs

    The St Bernard is thought to be the oldest working dog specifically bred for search-and-rescue missions. Its origin is inextricably linked to the Great St Bernard Pass which provides a snow-bound route between Switzerland and Italy.

    Guide dogs for the blind

    Dogs were trained as guides for the blind as early as 1819 in Vienna but it took a further 100 years for the movement to take hold internationally, boosted by the number of blinded soldiers returning from the First World War.

    Workhorse elephants

    Training of elephants begins when they are three years old and is carried out by a "mahout" and his apprentice who will bond with the animal for life. A mature elephant can lift 1,500lb (700kg) and haul a log for more than half a mile.

    Cormorant fishing

    Cormorants are first-rate fishing birds and are easily able to seek out and capture their prey. Chinese fishermen train their cormorants to fish off boats, tying their necks with string to prevent the birds swallowing their catch.

    Military dolphins

    At the height of the Cold War both the US and the USSR had secret programmes involving dolphins. The Soviet navy had a stable of about 70 dolphins stationed in the Black Sea, trained to hunt down divers in military ports.

  • SYN

    This sounds pretty cruel to me!

    "Until they become conscious, they will never rebel. Until they rebel, they will never become conscious." - George Orwell

  • Sargon

    Unfortunately, the rats don't have a choice. Those who pick up a copy of the watchtower have made their choice voluntarily.

    Imagination is more important than Knowledge. Albert Einstein

  • ThiChi

    SYN: Hey, what is that on your head? Heheee


    To say they do this voluntarily, is like saying we pay our taxes voluntary because we send in our money every year to the IRS without a gun pointing at our head to make us pay them. We all know what to expect if we don't feed the IRS...

    The gradual pressures placed on the Jws over time has brought us to this point. If you don’t get in line, your family and friends can be taken away, you can be ostracized and, in some cases, your business can be ruined.......... I will take my chances at gun point...............

  • Xander

    I don't think it sounds particularly cruel - the rats get their rocks off from walking through a maze? How bad can that be?

    In any case, I think the ends justify the means here. I'm certainly against animal testing for cosmetics, et al., which are stupid/pointless things.

    However, as mentioned here, real progress is being made towards cyber-organic integration, which is amazing. (And very promising!)

    Xander F
    (Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America - Ohio order)

    A fanatic is one who, upon losing sight of his goals, redoubles his efforts.
    --George Santayana

  • ThiChi

    "cyber-organic integration, which is amazing. (And very promising!)"

    Like the Borg on Star Trek? What if they get tired controlling Rats and come after you next?

  • Xander

    LOL! Little paranoid there, no?

    I don't think mind control is the end goal here - the goal is, initially, to enable handicapped or injured people to lead normal lives.

    Ultimately it would be nice to see the technology integrated to the point where it could enhance every day lives.

    I'd day say few on this board could live without a computer or internet connection. How much more convenient would it be to have that integrated with your mind? Do any kind of complex mathematics entirely within the chip - access internet sites, research information, etc. all on the fly from within your head!

    Science fiction, now? Of course! Eventually possible? Maybe...if these guys keep going like they do.

    Very exciting time to live in!

    Xander F
    (Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America - Ohio order)

    A fanatic is one who, upon losing sight of his goals, redoubles his efforts.
    --George Santayana

  • JWrobot

    WT. can now allow invalid seniors to get their 15 min. per month quota in by renting trained rats to these dubs. The Wt. trained rats could deliver tracts to many doors in 15 minutes.

  • sunscapes

    It reminds me of the Emperor and the Empire of the Daleks. There is so much similarity with the Daleks to the Governing Body/ JWs it's astounding.

    What's called science fiction uncannily seems to be based on fact, but not yet discovered until some time future.

  • ThiChi

    JWrobot: I am rolling...good one!

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