Glaring Mistake In RNWT And Todays WT

by piztjw 18 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • piztjw

    Todays' WT had this sentence in one of the paragraphs....We know this because each of their individual names are indelibly written upon the 12 foundation stones of the heavenly New Jerusalem.—Rev. 21:14.

    The cross reference lists Judas Iscariot as one of the twelve. So with one breath they have said Judas was cursed as Jesus betrayer, and yet in their RNWT they still cross reference him in the list of the twelve named foundation stones of NJ. I wonder why they couldn't figure out to delete those cross references when they so carefully removed any references to the term "generation" when Jesus was asked when the end would come. Those references indicated the life span of ONE person being a generation. Not the current two, or even three generations as being only "one" gigantic, overlapping, centuries long generation as the newest WT is setting everyone up for.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Interesting. Will take a look at this. . .

  • Comatose

    Very interesting.

  • DesirousOfChange

    You are NOT supposed to be doing private research!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Who the hell do you think you are to check those cross references and challenge the GB?

    This time it's just a warning and a slap on the wrists.

    Next time, you're ass it OUTTA HERE!

    (Oops! slipped back into my elder role.)


  • InChristAlone

    On in Revelation 21:14 cross-references for Matthew 10:2-4; Luke 6:13-16; and Acts 1:13. All of them mention Judas. Is this what you are talking about?

  • Bobcat

    Its par. 6 on page 27. Here is the statement with the context:

    • Did the faithful apostles succeed in doing this to the end of their earthly lives? Indeed they did. We know this because each of their individual names are indelibly written upon the 12 foundation stones of the heavenly New Jerusalem.— Rev. 21:14.

    I see one word there that wipes out the inclusion of Judas.

  • bats in the belfry
    bats in the belfry


    “Bearing Thorough Witness” About God’s Kingdom (2009), pages 18, 19


  • belbab


    Is the one word you indicate "faithful". Judas according to WT was not "faithful". but then they say "twelve" apostles. Then they must include the replacement of Judas as mentioned in Acts.


  • trillaz

    What has always been interesting to me is that the yes, there is a replacement for Judas by scripture, but the WT makes its own claims as to who is already judged for their second death as if they looked upon the book of life already.

    Adam and Eve - I hear this a lot from ones as if its the absolute truth from Jehovah

    Judas - Even though he was not faithful, we know nothing of his lafter after betrayal and if he repented. Afterall, he did God's will



  • Bobcat

    Where in particular are the removed "generation" cross references? That sounds interesting.

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