Geoffrey Jackson Bio!

by elkatire1980 37 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Wild_Thing

    Also, he doesn't actually say he was offered a scholarship. He just asks the question, "Would I accept a scholarship?" and then blah blah blah I left school and started pioneering.

    Most witnesses would assume that means he was offered one, but I think it is just another example of deceptive story telling.

  • Bungi Bill
    Bungi Bill

    They are salesmen for their WT corporation, and salesmen lie.

    Wild_Thing, I believe you have hit the proverbial nail fair on the head!

    If it is in their interests to tell a few porkies, and they think they can get away with it, that is exactly what they are going to do.

    (I believe it is called "Gilding the Lily."


  • Wild_Thing

    _Morpheus, as a teacher in the United States for many years now... you are the one that is incorrect. Students apply for and receive scholarships very early. Not all scholarships come from universities either, but even universities start searching for talent early.

    We have had high school students as young as 9th grade do so well at the science fair that they received a scholarship. Universities and business corporations often sponsor these events to search out talent they can woo to their university or company. Also, not all scholarships are large amounts or full ride scholarships.

    There is also the Duke Talent Search that starts as early as 4th grade, but the famous "test" is given in 7th. I don't believe that Duke University grants scholarships through this program, but it definitely puts kids on the right track to possibly receive scholarships early in their educational career.

    If anyone has kids, I highly recommend starting the scholarship search early. It is worth the effort of filling out a gazillion applications. You don't even have to be that academically gifted. Even average kids can garner quite a few small scholarships sometimes.

  • jwfacts

    Under the Australian system at that time, If he received a "school certificate" and left aged 15 it was at the end of year 10. To go to university you need to finish year 12 and get a "higher school certificate" in order to matriculate. It seems odd that he would have been offered a university scholarship with only a school certificate.

    I loaded up year 11 with extra subjects and received my higher school certificate without going to year 12, but was the youngest person when I entered university. I still needed to get the higher school certificate though.

    Who knows, maybe they were scouting for talented youth, and offered him a potential scholarship, but he would still have been required to finish his HSC before getting into university.

  • berrygerry

    Image result for anthony  morris caleb sophia

    Hey kids!

    Want to play a fun game?

    Who can find where my pants are the tightest?

    (And for you cynics, elders are not supposed to be alone with women - there are no rules about being alone with children.)

  • berrygerry

    Also, he doesn't actually say he was offered a scholarship. He just asks the question, "Would I accept a scholarship?" and then blah blah blah I left school and started pioneering.

    WTS is a master of asking a question (so that years later, it is proved as BS, and they can say "We never said that.) as a means of manipulation.

    A few samples are:

    Did Elijah also feel a bit hesitant about delegating some of his responsibilities, sharing his privileges, or someday being replaced? We cannot say;

    How far east did early Christian evangelizers go? We cannot say for sure, since the Bible does not comment on this. However,

    Was God referring to the faithful angels? We cannot say definitely. However,

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    This reminds me of Freddie Franz who said he was offered a Rhodes schorlarship for Oxford but when someone on this forum checked he had never even applied.


  • berrygerry

    This reminds me of Freddie Franz who said he was offered a Rhodes schorlarship for Oxford but when someone on this forum checked he had never even applied.

    You misunderstood.

    This was for the "traveling work."

    A Roads Scholarship.

  • _Morpheus

    Yawn... Yea and im the duke of Earl. Everybody is an expert on everything on the internet with specialized training in every field. As i already noted there are some exceptions, ive seen small scholorahips awarded to kids in middle school for art or music and the like (500 bucks or so) and im sure there are plenty of other minor oportunities for younger kids but the simple reality is that "academic" scholorahips arnt granted until you graduate from highschool, at whatever age that is for you. If you dont graduate with grades sifficent for the school you applied to the scholorships are pulled no matter what a student thinks they were granted. I do agree though that research amd applying for all those smaller scholorahips and grants can pay off as they add up...

    as for jackson i agree with billys earlier assesment: it didnt actually say he was granted anything. He presented it as his perseption: get a scholorship and go to university or not. Its telling that he felt the only way to go was to have someone else pay for it instead of working part time.....

  • hoser
    These guys really like tooting their own horns.

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