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As an apocalyptic cult The Brahma Kumaris have some similarities to the Watchtower.
They believe that all humans will die during an imminent and desirable ‘End of the World’ they called “Destruction”, in order that 900,000 faithful Brahma Kumari followers will inherit a heaven on earth before 2036.
To outsiders, BKs refer to this event as a “Transformation” and adherents are led to believe that a heavenly royal status can be achieved after it by donating money, free labor and unquestioning mental submission to the Brahma Kumari leadership, who will rule the world as Emperors and Empresses.
The Brahma Kumaris leadership has sought to cover up or deny child sex abuses at its headquarters, multiple suicides of followers at centers, financial corruption and abuses, immigration abuses, the persecution of minor or breakaway groups and the breaking up of families.
With echos of Russell's Divine Plan of the Ages, time, according to the Brahma Kumaris, is limited to a single, identically repeating, 5,000 year period called, “The Cycle” in which human beings procreated by the power of mind for the first 2,500 years, and will do again from 2036, and the dinosaur period existed at the time of Ancient Greece. Likewise, in another 2,500 years into the future, Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University leaders teach that Abraham, Buddha, Christ and Mohammed will all be reborn again in order to start to teach, after having re-learnt their religion under them at this time.
The BKWSU leadership continues to financially benefit from their position by encouraging their adherents to a total mental, physical and financial surrender to their God. “Service” projects, largely PR event rather than actual charitable acts, increasingly involve business class air travel and 4 star hotels.
The benefits of leadership includes the appointment of unpaid personal servants, a tax free existence in an environment where adherents are encourage to donate in cash, and the shared enjoyment of a valuable international property portfolio, including a number of attractive international retreat centers.
The Brahma Kumari leadership, many of whom were closely related to the Sindhi founder and medium Lekhraj Kripalani, offer little by way of democracy, accountability and security to their followers. Many who leave, leave as empty shells.
The Brahma Kumari practise and traditions have very shallow to almost no roots in traditional Hinduism, rather they borrow or steal already established and highly valued names or terms and use them to present their founder’s own ideas, revelations and constructions in which he and his first followers are general central to as “worship worthy gods and goddesses”. In fact, for the first 18 years of the religion at least, millionaire businessman founder Lekhraj Kripalani thought himself to God, the original author of the Bhagavad Gita, and the Father of Humanity.
The Brahma Kumaris do not follow or promote Hinduism, nor do they teach “ancient” Raja Yoga as they claim. Instead they use the language of such traditions, the New Age and personal growth movements with hidden meanings in order to to attract and acquire new adherents.
The BK are a deeply dishonest cult. They hide behind a huge variety of alternative names and typically avoid admitting they are representing the BK while recruiting. At public events, Brahma Kumari leaders will regularly present themselves not as Brahma Kumaris but representing some other element of their movement, or under the disguise of their day to day professional roles. They will use gullible non-BKs, especial those they consider to be VIPs and who are quite unaware of their actual agenda, as covers or spokespeople for their campaigns. BK adherents call such individuals “microphone souls” and they are encourage by their spirit guides to seek them out.