Understand: Our salvation is not Jesus' primary concern

by pixel 23 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • pixel

    ...At least that's what the Sunday study said:

    "At the same time, we need to understand that our salvation is not Jesus' primary concern. His main purpose from the beginning to the end of his earthly ministry was to work for the sanctification and glory of his Father's name"

    -October 2013, last study,

    -Not a single scripture to prove this. Never mind these texts. They are all wrong but the WT/FDS/GB is right. Only they know WHY Jesus came to earth.-

    1 Jhon 4:14: " In addition, we ourselves have seen and are bearing witness that the Father has sent his Son as Savior of the world. "

    Jhon 3:16: "For God loved the world so much that he gave his only-begotten Son,+ so that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life"

  • tenyearsafter

    Interesting observation, but no real surprise...Jesus is always put in the backseat when it comes to purpose and position.

  • 88JM

    There was also all that B.S. about Jesus using the name "Jehovah" freely, and again no scripture to really support it


    I noticed that too. I was like, " WTH?!?!." Then I realized that it must be that way for JWs, otherwise the sheeple might start to feel good about themselves. Once they start to believe that they matter as individuals and not just as a prospective "class" called the GC, the GB will have a problem on their hands. You cannot guilt trip people who have self-worth. That's also why the same lesson made sure to say that "eventually" you may gain life. It always needs to be a future prospect that is contingent upon obedience to the ORG and the GB, otherwise there goes the $$$$ and power and lifestyle of the self-appointed GB/FDS.

    All the crap about Jesus saying "JEHOVAH" was dumb too.


  • BU2B

    Is it not reasonble to think that if Jesus did use God's name, the pharisees and saducees, and scribes would raise enough hell to get that recorded in the Bible?

    They tried to kill Jesus multiple times for lesser things than uttering the name that it was forbidden to speak. If he did say the name, it would have turned off prospective Jewish converts, possibly stumbling them. In addition, If Jesus used the name, wouldn't it make sense that at least some record of peoples reaction would have been recorded?

  • 88JM

    "And all the crowds were saying to themseves: "holy s**t - did he just say what I thought he said!?"" - Luke 25:12

  • Bobcat

    Since people are part of God's creative purpose, wouldn't saving the human race be inextricably linked with vindicating God?

    I think what they like most is being the authors of some 'profound statement.' It doesn't matter what the statement is or whether it's true or not. Just that they said it and millions drool over its profundity.

  • eyeuse2badub

    Why didn't Jesus say the name Jehovah in the model prayer? "Let your name, JEHOVAH, be santified......"?


  • pixel

    Good question eyeuse. Thanks Data and Bob for commenting.

  • myelaine

    He is the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. Rev 13:8

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