Hey bboy, did you get your car worked on by a shop in Columbia?
Can a body shop steal your car
by bboyneko 18 Replies latest jw friends
Close, it was in Annapolis, about 40 minutes away. Why?
Just checking. I get mine worked on in Columbia sometimes but I don't trust many of them.
Lucid and BBoy are twins separated at birth! (Look at the profile pics)
Well, sheesh, I'm glad you 2 made it thru away from that big F-5 tornado that just pummeled your state! ...maybe that's what the body work was for?
It don't take much hail to turn a car into swiss cheese.
Im donating my old derelect vehicle to the SPCA (some animal welfare group) for tax reasons. Hopefully at the end of the year I'll be happy come tax time.
As for columbia body shops, I usually take my care to precision tune for work, they do good work and charge decent prices with the right coupons.
sunscape, thats the 2nd serious tornado in Maryland in 1 year.
I had a friend who lived about 7 miles away from ground zero. Major disaster area down there.
Never tried Precision Tune, but I'll check 'em out next time.
The prophecies are true!!! Carmageddon is upon us!
District Overbeer