Just wondering what everyone is doing to celebrate the 100th anniversay of Christ's return.
The 100th anniversay of Christs return just around the corner.
by I quit! 12 Replies latest jw friends
Technically, for what it's worth, the Watchtower views the 100 years in October.
Gonna buy him a calculator and a history book....
Wait, I thought the new light was that he didn't return in 1914?
I quit!
If he didn't return in 1914 then he wasn't around to pick them. That could be a problem for them.
I am going to party like it was 1913!
@Iquit - I brought up this exact point in this thread a couple days ago. I'm trying to figure out how this was possible. About the only way would be if he has the same powers as Jehovah i.e. Omnipresence or Omnipotence. If that's the case then it opens up the whole can of worms of Jesus and Jehovah being of the same essesnce. http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/watchtower/beliefs/268829/1/Separation-of-the-sheep-and-goats#.UsGhHkko6M8
I will probably bury a few more older JWs who did not live to be part of the mythical Great Crowd of [other sheep], according to the GB/FDS of the WTBTS. Then I will hopefully drink some scotch while playing whatever ZELDA game comes out next year.
I quit!
I went back and read the that post and the related ones wearewatchingyou. OMG How confusing is that. I think you could asked 6 jws about this subject and get 6 different answers. If he didn't come back in 1914 and select them in 1919 then all those years they have been peddling a lie. What has been the point of it all.
If you were a devoted JW wouldn't you be a little upset over all the years you've spent proclaim a false message. Wouldn't you feel like asking the Watchtower: What is the point of me spending my life proclaiming this sh#t as the truth if your just going to change it? Shouldn't you wait till you're sure you've got something right before you ask people go out and to spread your message around? And shouldn't we wait till we if God selects you before we put all a eggs in one basket and follow you?
To me it seems like they just canceled their own authority with this change.
I will celebrate 100 years of life-saving medical advances, 100 years of advances in information technology, communication rates, data storage and retrieval, 100 years of advances in transportation, infrastructure, architecture, 100 years of advances in energy production in nuclear, fossil and renewable, 100 years of scientific discovery (and theory) from the gluon to the bulk, 100 years of high quality photography of our world from Ansel Adams up through 'Milky Way Scientists' photographers, etc, etc. I'd be petting pandas and picking pears, and still would have not the first shred of a clue how reality works, if Jesus had really done anything interesting 100 years ago. So thank you, Watchtower, for not letting me down. <toast> I can count on you to bear no relevance of any kind whatsoever to how the world turns, how the planet rotates, how tides and empires and flowers of liberty rise and fall. You're just a mole or blemish or feature of an incomprehensibly more vast skin of human experience.