The true church is one not made by human hands it cannot be seen or touched nor is it made with bricks and mortar. It is a living breathing entity made up of believers in Messiah. All earthly representations of it are counterfeit and a delusion to stop you from entering into the New SPiritual Covenant started after the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple in 70AD. The true shephard does not scatter he gathers people into that church gently calling them out from the teachings of men to bring them to himself. All things were accomplished in one generation and that generation was the 1st century.Millions have failed ot recognice what was acheived because they follwed men instead of Messiah. They did not seek, llok or knock to ask him the way.But relied on men to show them. I encourage you to enter into the ruling KIngdom. Messiah came back for his faithful ones in the 1st cnetury just like he PROMISED THEM. The churches do not and will not teach you this truth which is not mine but the very words of Messiah to his faithful ones in the 1st century
The True Church Cannot Be Seen
by maccauk11 20 Replies latest watchtower bible
Witness My Fury
So he's sat on his ass doing nothing for 2000 yrs, yep that the kind of leader everyone would want.
Do you hear voices btw?
So in your weird cult it's a virtue to insult somebody and then wish them "Peace and Love".
I encourage you to enter into the ruling KIngdom.
Bysurrendering to Messiah,humble yourself beforehimkeep ,seeking,knocking and asking and he will reveal himself to you in many ways that will astonishand amaze you .In fact he is not far from everyone of us. You will not find him in a church. Its between you and him ifyou want him. Go in your room and talk likeoyu have never talked toanyone about yourself,your thoughts, feelingsetc all the thigns that you carried around just empty yourself and he will set you free. Peace and Love
AH the fleshly ones cannot wait to makeanargument outofeverythign always looking toknock downinstead ofbuilding up .If you cofty bothered to seethe good thing i have tried to show then it might benefit you. COmeinto the light and you will be set free from the tribulation in your heart. I beolong to no cult, no church,no organization, .I bleong only to Christ tastehimand see that he is good.Peace and Love. You see we cna lov eeach other and still disagree its cool
This Jesus guy is an uncaring, indolent SOB. Why anyone would want to panda to his requests for worship is beyond me. Now Satan, he is a cool dude and loves us all.
AH your true heart conditioncomes out cantleave. Good luck with satan only thing is he is not able to save you from Death Messiah has and those in Christ will never die. Stil love you though . I wait patiently until it is shown to you
COmeinto the light and you will be set free from the tribulation in your heart.
I don't have any tribulation in my heart and I can spell.
Like most believers you talk in meaningless metaphors and say nothing. Faith-talk is vacuous.