PS4 OR X-Box One?

by cantleave 14 Replies latest social entertainment

  • cantleave

    I would love comments from the gamers here which one we should go for. My gut feel is for the PS4 which is cheaper and more flexible.

    BTW - I haven't bought a console since the Wii.

  • marmot

    Neither, the launch titles are fairly lame and your money would be better spent on upgrading your PC. Plus you can only play GTA:V on PS3 or XBOX 360.

  • wearewatchingyouman

    Both are the devil. Get outside and play ;)

  • cantleave

    GTA V is the game I want to play! Bugger

  • KateWild

    Niether. I suppose you did start a topic though Angus.

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    I'd hold off on either of them for about 6 months at least until prices drop, launch issues come to light and are fixed and more titles come out.

    Personally, I wont get an XBOX One until it's been hacked.

  • KateWild

    GTA V is the game I want to play! Bugger-cantleave

    FFS you bore, so glad I am divorced, my ex is the same. Take your wife out for a romantic meal instead of trying to play GTA V. Love yo to bits Angus. Sam xx

  • Simon

    We have an XBox One ... here's my take:

    The plan of having it an integral part of your living-room / TV is ambitious. I'm not 100% convinced that the voice recognition and software in general is up to it BUT things typically improve over time with a few updates so if you want it as a living-room console that could be good in future. Right now the software is a little buggy - we've had games crash a few times and the console isn't as fast and slick as it should be on the much more powerful hardware. But again, that will change after an update or two.

    Launch games are never good. It always takes 6 months or so before true next-gen games come out which take advantage of the new platform because it takes developers time to get used to the new hardware and SDK etc...

    For a glimpse of where things should be, have a look at the SnowDrop engine for Tom Clancy's "The Division" game:

    Right now, Forza 5 is a decent game but not really massively better than the previous games on the 360 - in fact, I think Project Gotham 3 was a more 'fun' racer with better feeling physics. The menu system is very annoying but livable.

    Ryse looks impressive but is more of a demo game to show of the graphic capabilities and lacks the involved gameplay.

    Batttlefield 4 is a decent shooter but full of glitches.

    Launch titles always suffer from having to be finished for the launch date rather than released when they are finished and it shows. The real next-gen games will come later.

    This time around though there is another change - there are now massive numbers of XBox 360 and PS 3 owners and developers are not going to ignore them. So will there be exclusive titles for the new platform designed to take advantage of it or a hybrid development designed to run on all platforms thus possibly compromising the game except for a few glitzy graphic effects? Too soon to tell.

    The PS4 from what I can tell is more of a gaming-only affair and is cheaper because you don't need to buy the new kinect with it. This could be great if it's just for a bedroom gaming system but not as capable long-term.

    To be honest, I think they are both very capable and not massively different in capability, actually quite similar so it really comes down to anything you're already invested in. We already had XBox live accounts and points / achivements and friends for multiplayer etc... so the XBox made sense (as much as I hate Microsoft, the XBox is a bright spot in their history).

    Sales for both are going well so it's not likely there will be any major price drops soon unless one starts to seriously lag after the xmas sales but you could wait for better bundles with new games. I expect there will be a Titan Fall edition when that launches in the spring and of course a new Halo.

    Also, be aware that neither offers backward compatibility. This is only an issue for the first 6 months though - after a decent supply of new games are available you feel less inclined to play the old ones and you can start to notice the difference between the games and platforms.


    Neither. A working Sega Saturn with an Action replay cartridge is all you need. Drink some scotch, play some Saturn ISOs for free. Well, you could buy a PS3 and play some fun stuff. I am pretty retro, so I will not give my money to any of the big games companies anymore. They suck. They should just make one machine that does it all. Give me a WII-U that will play everything from NES to WII-U, add some ports for GBA, DS, and I would pay $500.00 for it. That's my 2 cents.

    You could check out Classic Game Room on Youtube. He is a cool dude and he reviews all kinds of games.

  • KateWild

    I bet the graphic are so real aren't they so cool whoop whoop!!!

    Sorry but I am a girl, we need a bit of balance on this thread Kate xx

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