The END did NOT come in their lifetime!!

by DATA-DOG 42 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    I don't know about the rest of you, but I have seen my fair share of death. Both sets of Grandparents, Aunts and Uncles, older JWs that were pillars in the community. I even knew the first missionary in Missouri, a brother named Gerald Golf. He used to battle it out with the Mormons on his bicycle in the city of Independence. He's been gone awhile now. The old-timers are dropping like flies it seems. We just lost two more in the last month, both in their late 80's. It seems that there is more and more gray hair at the Conventions, and more and more elderly parking and seating. The big A better hurry up, or there may not be a Great Crowd after all!

    So I was wondering about their final moments of life. Did they cease believing that the END would come in their lifetime, a dangerous attitude according to the DC?? How sad to lose out on life by falling prey to Satanic propaganda and failing to endure to the end! To think that decades of faithful service could be wiped out as you realize that you the END will NOT come in your lifetime!! Imagine your final gasping breath as you realize that 1) You ARE going to die, and 2) You KNOW and therefore believe that the END will not come in your lifetime, and finally 3) You failed to endure to the END because you believed Satan!

    Have a nice day.


  • flipper

    DATA-DOG- Interesting thread topic. Good job. My 88 and 86 yr.old JW parents are quickly seeing the end of their lives flashing before their eyes and even though they've been JW's for over 60 years I don't hear them talking about the alleged " paradise " anymore. I feel with a lot of these old time Witnesses that deep within them they are having definite doubts and concerns about being duped like, " Oh $hit - did we waste 60 years of our life on a pipedream " - yet they can't or won't talk openly about their doubts due to the fear that the WT Society has instilled and indoctrinated into them. And I know in my parents case - they don't want to upset the apple cart of JW imaginary dreams which my 3 older JW siblings in their 60's hope for.

    So I just feel sad for not only my folks but other older ones who have given their entire lives to an organization telling them lies about living forever. It ain't gonna happen. They'll die like everybody else. I guess the only sliver of hope that they tell themselves is hoping for a possible " resurrection" from the dead - butin my opinion that's an unreality and pipedream too. Message to ALL younger people - Do NOT waste your life ! Go live your life free of a mind control cult that gives you false promises ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    Yup - I was never going to leave school before Armageddon came!! I left school quite a few years ago, and now my mother and father who were promised this by one of the so-called "heavenly hope", are both dead - many years after the assurance was given to them!

    Don't put your faith....................

  • Pistoff

    Yes, old times I know are also shuffling of this mortal coil.

    3 in the last 2 years for me, one of them a really great guy, always had good things to say to people.

  • KateWild

    Well Ray Franz has gone and he was called an apostate on his death bed for not believing the end would come in his lifetime. but he was right it didn't.

    Kate xx

  • Londo111

    As one DO used to say: Sad, but true.

  • NVR2L8

    Great post. The last meeting I attended was the DC in 2010 where I watched the bobbing gray heads at the ice level senior section as old timers listened to the talk on the new definition of the generation. Amongst them was a couple who served our circuit when I was just married and now they were old and childless. I couldn't help but feel sad for them as they were being told in covered words that there's a good chance they will die before the end of this system. At that moment I realized that in 10 years most of the ones sitting in that section would be gone and that my wife and I would be sitting in their place, listening to the same bull crap or even worse, to new light that makes no sense what so ever. I decided right then that I would never sit in that section and that I no longer had a minute of my life to waste in this cult. Today I make the best of every day to do what makes me happy.

  • tim hooper
    tim hooper

    Data dog: My momma was approaching 90 when she exclaimed bitterly that she was never meant to be this old. She was still a JW but, to her credit, had stopped shunning her sons.

  • clarity

    We learned too late that FAITH is not FACT!

    Same old story here ... family, friends & hero's

    all gone.

    NVR ...did you notice after 2010 DC, that older jw's

    who were shaken up badly by this news...... were told

    to stop the whining & complaining just like the Isrealites!

    That anger & disappointment got stuffed down ... but it

    has not gone away.

    No wonder the gb have taken good care of themselves

    & have sequesterd themselves into a safe bunker!

    Such a sickening cult!

  • jgnat

    Hubby's just in his fifties but he's starting to feel it. He's avoided old age and decay as long as I've known him. I see mortality in his eyes and he's scared. Me, I adored my grandparents and I celebrate the slower, golden years to come.

    The Witness doctrine does not prepare people for maturity.

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