In last Sundays WT there was a paragraph talking about how the 1st century Christian congregation was united despite differences. Rich and poor, Jew and Gentile, and get this.. Slave and Slave owner! The WT has admitted that not only slaves were a part of the congregation, but that slave owners were as well, with no sanction on their behavior. In fact Paul told slaves to be obedient and submissive to their masters in EVERYTHING and work hard as to the Lord.
That said, Slavery is illegal in the world and therefore JWs would not be allowed to own slaves becuse it violates "Ceasers law". However do they feel that the slave owners of the past were wrong to do this? What about the owners throuought the Americas over the centuries? Were they wrong to have slaves according to the WT?
One of the most disturbing aspects of the Bible is that it says nothing negative about slavery and in fact condones it. The practice of buying and selling humans like objects is disturbing to most yet even the NT condones this practice. Jesus nor Peter or Paul did nothing to end it, therefore we must conclude logically that the God of the Bible supports the practice, something most religions are very uncomfortable with and im sure have a healthy amount of cognitive dissonance about.
In a side point, although the WT has banned polygamy for its members, even in lands that it is legal in. This is not cripturally supported. The only mention about it in the NT is when the qualifications for special positions are discussed. It is there that "husband of one wife" is outlined. Since this was a special requirement for service, logically there would be others in the 1st century congregation who were "husbands of more than one wife".
While I do not personally believe in polygamy, I feel that it was wrong for the WT to again split up families and children and again with no scriptural basis. When the "new light" about this came out, or today when someone is studying to become JW and has 2 or more wives, they must dismiss all but the first as a result breaking up familes in the process and separating children from their siblings.
You know how dubs like to say how the world would be so much better if everyone was JW? Well if everyone was JW we would still have slaves on cotton, sugarcane, and tobacco plantations, no rights for women, etc because no one would have stopped these things. They would have just waited on God to fix it. Also if everyone was JW there would be no engineers, doctors, scientists, or any of those "worldly thing". Also there would be no blood fractions for them because after all, who would donate it without the "worldlings" around.
Sorry for the somewhat incoherent rant Im out -BU2B