Yearbook is late this year

by factfinder 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • steve2

    I agree Julia. The sudden discontinuation of reporting the numbers of memorial partakers would strike even the most bored Witness as strange, if not disturbing - especially given the occasional but relatively frank comments in the literature in recent years about the "credentials" for partaking. Dropping the report of numbers of partakers would make the fishy 144,000 doctrine, even fishier smelling. Numbers may not talk a plain language - but they sure can rub salt into a suspect doctrine!

  • Crazyguy

    You would think that people would wake up and ask "If the remnant doesnt matter anymore and these ones are not even tracked like they said back in 2007, then whats the reason for them even being here on earth?" But thats probably to long of a question for a current Jdub and in mid think thier like "whats for dinner"???

  • factfinder

    I was always interested in the statistics when I was an active witness. I even made a chart for each year and used the monthly FS reports in the KM to figure out how many magazines were placed, total hours and rvs, average studies, and baptisms monthly for each year.

    I also used the estimated number of magazines placed to estimate the number that were printed. I was surprised to find how close I was when actual numbers were published!

    With this new gb practically no information is provided, the monthly FS averages have dissappeared from the km as have the latest edition figures from the books.

    In the 60's, 70's and to a lesser degree the 80's, the yearbook and/or w would let us know each year how much literature was distributed, how many rvs made, how much literature was printed.

    Now that information is no longer provided, just bits and pieces on rare occassions.

    Perhaps the YB will be posted Thursday when they post the Simplified w?

    Seems strange it is so late this year.

  • designs

    "Divinely provided chickens"

  • factfinder

    The Research Guide was put up, but still no Yearbook.


  • Listener

    Maybe they won't print the yearbook and just have it available online, that would be a big cost savings.

  • wearewatchingyouman

    Maybe the WBTS is going with the no 13th floor superstition. 2013 never happened!

  • fastJehu

    @ Listener: I think not so. All JW could order there printed Yearbook this summer. Why this "order-process" - if they don't print the book.

    Maybe they are late - because of printing the revised NWT.

  • factfinder

    The presses at Wallkill can each print 180,000 YB size book signatures an hour. The softcover bindery can produce 100,000 books a day.

    They cannot be behind because of printing the new Bible unless they no longer have the same equipment they had last year or something has/is changing in the Wallkill factory.

  • factfinder

    The simplified w was posted today, still no YB.

    Either they are waiting to post it AFTER congregations recieve their copies, or they are publishing it later.

    The past two years it was online by late December.

    Of course, they may not be publishing it at all!

    Either way, very strange!

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