I am under the impression JW do not celebrate NYE, is that correct?

by nonjwspouse 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cantleave

    K99 yopur post reminds me of December 31st 1999 - three elders and our wives gathered together watching the New Millenium celebrations on TV, drinking wine and party food. We didn't sing so we weren't celebrating - it was just a get together.

  • punkofnice

    They pretend they don't....but many JWs DO celebrate things that are forbidden by harsh WBT$ law.

    That hubby purchased fireworks is telling.......if the WBT$ henchmen knew they'd be asking why the money for the fireworks wasn't given to the WBT$ to perpetuate the rock star lifestyle of the 8 disgusting paedophile protecting men AKA the Governing Body instead.

  • konceptual99

    Yup indeed cantleave. A group of us were all together on 31 Dec 99 and had a right good old knees up. It was absolutely not a NYE party but everyone got bladdered, shouted "Happy New Year" and a few things happened that certainly would have caused some attendees to have their privilages reviewed at the very least. Not a NYE party though. Honest.

    I also remember walking around a town that you know well a few years before that one NYE having done a bit of a pub crawl feeling really guilty that some of the others in the group were shouting "Happy New Year" in the streets.

    When I was young, free and single, we always went out on NYE. Just to go to the pub of course. My dad always had a go at me suggesting it was inappropriate but I convinced (or at least I think I did) him it was nothing to do with NYE celebrations. I even convinced myself that just so long as I did not shout Happy New Year there was no problem. We did it after the meeting one year. Rushed out the hall, got changed and straight back out to the pub for a pint.

    It's just like all the witnesses that don't celebrate Bonfire Night.

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