DISCLAIMER: this post was typed without much thinking and intention to offend anyone. Read it at your own risk. You are not required to share its content nor repply if you dont feel like sharing.
strange animals, what about horses, cow, MONKEYS,, dogs etc.
99% DNA? what kind of animal?
hi level issue here
if you LOVE, you share with those you thin deserve the sharing, including MATERIAL thing, money, food. But your mate's material body, no way! Pure logic says somethng worong here, not that i adovocate one way or the other. This is MINE mentality somehow doen't fit.
Dont even try to conviince anyone about the sharing thing unless the person is emotionally dettached from the issue.
CULTURAL. Even today in some cultures it is totally 'normal' to share a HUSBAND. the ladies dont complaint as long as they get a fair share of the material. I have seen this even where there is no economic interest in the midle. Most woman dont feel inclined to share their own body. AND many men either, specially when they feel they are being fully complemented.
Many men become fully complemented with litle difficultly, then you have the type of men who know who they are, know what they want and wont settle for less. But the lady who has what it takes, can prompt him automatically into a monogamous.status by default.
But you also have those men (and women?) who only want phisical pleasure all the time, because they can't get pleasure from abstract thing due to lack of education and/or a disfunctional brain. They obviously know what they want but dont know who they are...