Asked my christian co-workers.....
by DS211 36 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
What did you ask DS?
when did animals eat meat?
them: after the flood
me: were dinosaurs before or after the flood?
them: before
me: why is it that T-rex had teeth for tearing meat and why were there lredatorial dinosaurs prior to the flood if they didnt eat meat until after?
them: longest pause in the history of long pauses.....then...."thats a good question"
then all manner of specukation iccured as a sat and watched them debate...quite interesting.
Sorry kate the blank was an accident ha
LOL good one. Kate xx
I had to share it...i got the biggest deer in the headlights look ever...i just dont understand how we and many dont ask baffkes me now
Why do fundies have so little interest in the things they believe their god made?
haha, good one!
wonder how they would explain this:
Why do fundies have so little interest in the things they believe their god made?
You seem to be operating on the JW-style assumption that every question needs to have a concise answer. For JWs, the ultimate source of doctrine is not the Bible, but the Watchtower's teachings. For many Bible-believing Christians, the Bible is sufficient. If it doesn't mention dinosaurs, then they are not an essential of the faith and we don't need to know about them. We are free to speculate, of course, as long as speculation does not become hard and fast doctrine. Unfortunately, that's exactly what happens with the JWs. The Governing Body's speculations about things not specifically mentioned in the Bible become doctrine, and then other doctrines are built on top of those speculations. Now, this does create the illusion of JWs having the truth, since they have a "Bible-based answer" for every question you can ask or imagine. The problem is that many of their "Bible-based answers" have nothing to do with the Bible, but are merely the imaginings of GB members, enforced as dogma upon the rank and file. Worse, since the Bible and the Watchtower are indistinguishable in the minds of many JWs, these speculative answers become hills to die on and must be defended if questioned. When the JW comes to realize that the Watchtower's speculations are simply rubbish, they discard the whole idea of God and the Bible along with the Watchtower. I'm convinced that this is a major reason why there is so much atheism among ex-JWs.
I am convinced there is quite a lot of atheism among XJW's because when you leave you realise you have been lied to and you know next to nothing, so you educate yourself, learn critical Thinking skills, and determine never to swallow Bull***t ever again.
So you examine the claims made by religions, and their claims for their sacred books, and you examine the evidence for jesus and for God, any god.
If you go through that process properly, which means starting with a clean slate/open mind, then you are very unlikely to end up being anything close to a "believer".
Another question to slip in to Bible literalist type believers is how come we all have some Neanderthal DNA in us ? and then the sub-questions about original Sin etc.