The Pastor of my Old Church Tried to Re-Convert Me Yesterday

by cofty 2596 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Ruby456

    island man you are also making a lot of points based on assumptions. here is one

    The purpose of your life is how you choose to live it and enjoy it

    what if a person cannot enjoy their life? what then?

    here is another

    Life is meaningful and purposeful while you are alive.

    an individual may want to leave a legacy that will be meaningful for others after he has died - a legacy of love could fall into his category and this would then make his life (which may be full of suffering) meaningful.

    I agree with you though to the extent that if an individual is able to enjoy his life he should focus on that and not allow himself to become embroiled in any shame and guilt an authority (and this would include human authorities) may want to saddle him with.

  • bohm

    Ruby: what if a person cannot enjoy their life? what then?

    What if a person cannot enjoy bacon? what then?

    Well it don't seem very plausible to say: And if you can't enjoy bacon, you will be given en infinite amount of bacon-like stuff that you CAN and WILL enjoy forever!

    What about the simple answer: If you cannot enjoy life or if you cannot enjoy bacon then you wont enjoy life and you wont enjoy bacon.

  • Ruby456

    bohm, i would rather die then eat bacon for the rest of my life. but seriously there is more to life than enjoyment

  • bohm

    Ruby: I agree on both counts. But the question you raised was "what if someone cannot enjoy life" not if all there is to life is enjoyment (at least if understood in a narrow sense; if "enjoyment" is understood very broadly to be "all that makes life worth living" then it is a tautologically true statement to say all that is to life is enjoyment, anyway i digress).

  • sunny23

    Yes DOT maybe I was a bit judgmental to start so im' sorry kassad, i hope you didnt take offense. Kassad, also think of some of your favorite movies. When you see a great movie in the theater, at the end you aren't pissed that the movie didn't last forever. While you are watching its great scenes you aren't depressed and aloof to whats going on because you know it has an end. The same with life. Just because it has an end doesn't automatically make it a "bad movie," you determine it's quality (for those most part aside from environmental influences of course).

    Anyway, back to topic...

    Unless you change and become as children you will not enter the kingdom of the heavens Mat 18:3

    Ruby: I don't see how you offer anything new. Psacramento was claiming that suffering is necessary to individual humans in order to gain experience and thus accountability in order to become like God. Your scripture implies that it is rather lack of experience that allows you appropriate acceptance into Gods kingdom. You also make a strange assumption that this scripture implies God is not omniscient. That goes against christian theology and makes the rest of your answers a non sequitur to this thread

  • cofty

    when you have reached an impasse. Why don't you just admit that you are at a loss now. - Ruby

    I am not at a loss. Have you not been paying attention?

    The onus is on believers to reconcile the events of 26th December with the god they worship.

    115 pages and still not a single answer that is consistent with other things christian theists claim to believe.

  • Simon

    i would rather die then eat bacon for the rest of my life.

    You have that comepletely the wrong way round - life is not worth living unless it involves bacon. Ideally it is baked in the oven and crispy.

    What kind of retarded god creates an animal out of bacon and then tells people they are not allowed to eat it?!?!

    Conclusive proof that god is an invention (by bacon-hating divergents).


    What kind of retarded god creates an animal out of bacon and then tells people they are not allowed to eat it?!?!.....Simon

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  • suavojr

    Simon said:What kind of retarded god creates an animal out of bacon and then tells people they are not allowed to eat it?!?!.....Simon

  • humbled

    What if a person cannot enjoy their life?--great question.

    On my way to my doctor's I stopped to see my friend who is living this question.

    Not three weeks past her 18 year old son was obliterated in a car crash. Alcohol involved.

    She has other children, but there is much about this son's death that has shaken her in a fundamental way. She asks: what is the reason to live? Why did I have children?

    We have talked before about faith, religion. She was/is uncertain of God's role in life while I told her that I have left my old christian theologies, only accepting that "Love is God" plus the Golden Rule. Later she and I shared the burden of tending to her chickens after a dog attack. Thus the thoughts between us of life, suffering and death had a more practical yet emotional context. Yet, when her 5 year old asked me what I was doing with three badly injured birds and an ax, she uncomfortably interjected a gloss, an obfuscation. She was not comfortable telling him what was occuring and why.

    I asked her if I could answer her boy, he being smart, having asked for a real answer. She allowed me to tell him why I was doing a kindness for the birds while the dog's actions were not.

    She is struggling to grasp a real answer for living--and not just for herself. To know why life has meaning is a wide open question to her children now. Her one son is gone and her own mother's comment that God perhaps (mercifully) spared him a future agony by an early demise has not satisfied her. Her son is beyond her reach under the ground, she says. He left before she did. Too young.

    She says "I have to go on or else I have to die. One or the other." But she has lost her joy and sense of purpose.

    All I can say is this: And we know there is death from early on. Her son, from a letter she found in his effects, clearly wanted good for his mother. For his mother never to laugh again -- this would be no monument to him that he would want. he did not want his younger brothers and sisters to have his mother's joy die entirely with him. Yet--- If her laughter is forever changed--well, that is the work of suffering. That laughter changes. But to be stopped forever?

    I do not think so.

    We all must help each other here. this is where we help and love one another.

    We do need to help each other--every chance we get.

    Just my thoughts.

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