PSacramento, you have thoroughly and repeatedly clung to the notion that suffering is required for compassion, largely based on the definition of the word "compassion". I've recently read Pinker's book "The Better Angels of our Nature..." who convincingly demonstrates a different avenue for compassion to develop, which I won't go in to here.
I think I can pretty well demonstrate that increased suffering does not result in a commensurate increase in compassion. You have also admitted that not every person responds to suffering by becoming more compassionate. So there is no purpose in allowing or increasing suffering in order to create more compassionate human beings.
The tsunami deaths are therefore purposeless.
Having to repeat myself is a little too much like domestic life, when a partner knows when they have not been heard. It is mildly offensive to have to repeat ourselves. It is much more gratifying to know that what we care about, others do too, and that our opinion has some sort of weight.