Are You Embarrassed Because You Were A Jehovah's Witness?

by minimus 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    I am not. Everyone makes mistakes.

  • NewYork44M

    I was extremely embarassed when I was a jw. It certainly was an embarassing religion for me. Those that were not embarassed were people that I did not like to be with.

    Now, I have no problem talking about my past. I am open about my life.

    It makes for very interesting conversation. I always start my conversation with "I can tell you stories that will bring tears to your eyes."

  • dazed but not confused
    dazed but not confused

    I'm embarrassed for them.

  • minimus

    It's all about perspective. i can often laugh, not cry. About the past.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I was embarassed. In large part, I remain embarassed. The teachings are so weird. When I tell people. people burst out laughing that I was a JW. I don't know what is so funny. Perhaps I play it for laughs. It is so strange to stumble upon them in bus terminals. This used to be my life.

    I don't feel funny on this forum.

  • rmt1

    I had to finish a BA in Literature and a BS in Astronomy before I felt minimally comfortable sharing this otherwise very embarrassing aspect of my experience. I still get a sense of panic when I relate as best I can what being a JW was like, but the 'worldy' listener just doesn't swallow their tongue on the spot, or have a coronary on the spot, or an aneurism on the spot, which tells me I am not communicating totally or effectively, and it's like I still have a gag in my mouth. You cannot shove 25 years of JW Auschwitz into an innocent 'worldly' person's comprehension. So, embarrassing.

  • braincleaned

    Funny thing to admit, but I was embarrassed when I was a JW... now, I'm proud to claim I am an exJW. Odd really.

  • humbled

    I am not embarassed to say I WAS one.

    It is important for me to warn others not to get involved in any JW free home Bible study. To warn them of their hijacking of faith and family. Their shunning and abuse of power.

  • Bob_NC

    Same as with NY44M and braincleaned, I WAS embarrassed when I was a believer. Not at all any more. I don't mind telling what I used to believe and why I believed at the time.

    Do you suppose that our inner psyche, or true inner self, was always aware and that our embarrassment was due to living on the outside different from our inner truth?

  • Simon

    No, "I was raised I'd a cult" is a conversation starter and sometimes you get to tell someone about the JWs - who knows what may be passed on to others and who it may help.

    Also being open with people, even with embarrassing things that may make you feel vulnerable, can lead to solid / strong friendships.

    There is little anyone can do about their upbringing ... so why be embarrassed?


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