I've heard locally that the RBC refused the local body's suggestion for a location, and insisted the KH be built in an industrial area instead. I'm thinking resale value.
Just wanting clarification on the RBC
by joe134cd 20 Replies latest jw friends
used to work in the architectural & engineering department of the RBC. We were usually the schmoos who went and met with the local BoEs to decide what kind of work would be done/how much.
that was by far some of the most corrupt outfits that I've ever worked with. And that's after years of working with "worldly" firms.
The whole RBC is essentially run by a bunch of nobody douchebags with Napoleon complexes who try to pass themselves off as actual engineers, architects, surveyors, contractors, etc. Most of these boobs couldn't fix a twig if it were bent, but are put in charge of HUGE amounts of money.
Also, in the A&E department, we had a new department overseer every friggin month, because each unqualified moron they put in charge turned out to be only be using it as something to put on their "WT resume" to get into CO school or whatever.
I saw a bunch of nonsense, but I will mention just two incidents.
1) Congregation A has a Kingdom Hall in a very undesirable part of town with NO parking. They save up an assload of money and try to acquire a nicer piece of property. RBC comes in and squashes it, talking about how they "went ahead of Jehovah's direction." Congregation A apologizes. It suggested that a nearby Congregation B has an aging Hall that needs repair and they are all alone. RBC tells Congregation A to sell their existing Hall which fetches them like $300,000. Add that to the $250,000 they had and they move in with Congregation B with RBC concepts to renovate Hall B to accomodate both congregations. Congregation B has saved like $50,000 or so. So now the congregations have $600,000-ish to build. All contractor work HAS to go through the RBC. the local branch sends a letter telling the congregations that they should give the $600,000 to the Society for "safe-keeping", which of course, being good Dubbies, they do. AFTER YEARS OF WAITING FOR RBC ACTION, they finally recieve a crappy hand drawn sketch on transparency paper of the concept to add a foyer and some new restrooms to Hall B. Another letter comes from the Branch, this time it tells the BoE that since there are brothers in Africa who have nothing, maybe they should just stick to some minor renovations.....
......and just like that $600,000 disappears into the Society's pockets and both congregations haven't seen a single brand new light bulb.
2) Congregation C needs major renovation for mold damage, complete gut-out of Hall. RBC committee orders the purchasing of brand new mobile command trailers complete with offices, HVAC, boardrooms, etc. Somewhere to the tune of $200,000 apiece. Here's the strange part: Hall C is in the middle of nowhere and 97% of the construction is being handled by local guys. The RBC committee bigshots are all from congregations WELL NORTH of the construction site and almost never show up. They just wanted to have fancy trailers paid with congregation money so they can have their bigshot meetings if by chance they decide to show up. Which they didn't. Congregation C flips the bill WITH ABSOLUTELY NO SAY.
the RBC was one of the craziest things I've ever been involved in. The above reference to Mafioso is 1,000,000% accurate.
The whole RBC is essentially run by a bunch of nobody douchebags with Napoleon complexes...
Sounds like a former New Jersey guy who is in the Nebraska RBC last I heard. Goes by the handle of Frank S. What a pompous ass. I heard through friends up north that his wife shot-gunned herself into the "New World". Can't say as I blame her from what I heard about him!
I am so thankful for people like Partisan to give us the inside reality.
This is incredibly close to being the Sopranos! How dispicable. -
Just wanted to chime in here, after the comments of James Jackson, and Partisan.
I will concur 100% that what you are hearing is true. After many, many years as a Trade Overseer, I was moved to Architecture, and then to Purchasing and Estimating.
When onsite for the actual construction project, smaller, necessary on-the-spot purchases can be made by a "purchasing agent" that has a credit card and a truck, and can go down to the local store and pay full retail (short on bricks? short on siding? short on roofing?? short on paint?? who forgot nails? every single project...).... mostly because incompetant RBC members cant run a tape measure or read a set of plans.
The RBC purchases materials from Home Depot where it can. The pricing is a whopping 10% below full retail, as was mentioned. Holy Spirit is saving WT BILLIONS !!
Big deal. I can go to the local lumber yard and have them put together a package price that will beat HD every time. The pricing structure the RBC has in place does NOT benefit the local congregations. WT gets kickbacks and rebates, that go directly into their coffers. As stated previously, most prices are overinflated, and are far above retail. I also know several local "contractors" that are "vendors" to the RBC, that provide things like cabinets, podiums, artwork, decorations, etc to the RBC, and charge them a very PADDED pricetag. I saw the invoices that came through the office for these "brother" "vendors", and thought to myself ..... WTH??? Double dipping much??!! Seriously, $1200 for a podium/lecturn that could have been built in the garage on a Saturday night with a couple of beers??? Or $800 for an Information Board?
No way these guys could ever get away with charging this much on a commercial jobsite! Brother "vendor" just happens to also be a reg pioneer and a prominent elder in the circuit, so shut up and dont worry about it. Multiple times, many different brothers.
Or how about free reign to take a weekend with your wife and go on a buying spree to buy whatever fancies you to "decorate" a new KH, with artwork, vases, tables, pretty bathroom gizmoes, doilies, fainting couches and a rocker for the ladies, changing room wallpaper and art, mood lights for the babies.... have a ball! Here's a credit card! Gobs of money you would NEVER feel right spending on your own household, its suddenly OK for the KH, no matter the cost! Holy Spirit loves a cheerful giver buyer. !
And dont even think for a second about getting any other "bids" for materials or cabinets or carpet or windows or lecturns or info boards from anyone else! RBC comes down on you like a ton of bricks, for "not submitting to Theocratic Order". BULL...... SHIT. Guess why I got kicked out of purchasing...... Apparently Holy Spirit didnt approve of me trying to save the poorer congregations some cash.
Was a member of an RBC Purchasing Dept for an assembly hall in uk. Was appalled at the waste of money spent on decor at the whim of the stylists. Gold leaf paint? On a ceiling? Crazy stuff.
Loz x
Stanley Theatre, New Jersey
The Menlo Park debacle was the tipping point that slapped hubby and me upside the head and woke us up! This issue is important for all lurkers to examine. Does it make sense that Jehovah would use his spirit to direct His organization to defraud the poor, elderly, widows, and the rest of his little sheep? How would Jesus view fleecing the flock?
Yeah I am aware of the Menlo Park fiasco, and thanks everyone for the informative information. Ok well let's put a twist on this and look at it from another angle. I agree although not illegal, it's pretty bloody sneaky what they are up to. But could it be that they are now resorting to these methods to make up for money where they are loosing in other areas. I certainly don't think the WT is a cash cow, and the way they are behaving, over all, would tell me they are cutting back and retreating financially. I have mentioned this in other threads, of a conversation I had with an accounts / magazine servant and I remember him telling me " for what comes in app posed to what goes out in paying for it, Im almost embarrassed to send the check".
I have another acquaintance who workes in the US Bethel, and even she confirmed to me when I asked her, that there are rumors circulating about the financial viability of the Org. The later comment is certainly telling.
3rdgen wrote: The Menlo Park debacle was the tipping point...
Does anyone have a link or two to a thread or newspaper article on this?
EDIT TO ADD: Nevermind. I found a few...