Fat Girls Guide to Life book

by love2Bworldly 46 Replies latest watchtower scandals


    VICTORIA SECRETS Model thin is not healthy. Neither should that extreme be used to justify the other. What I am about.to say may shock the ladies. The advertisers play both ends against the middle. The answer is weight lifting. Seriously, I have experience with this. There are no scales in my house. I tell my girls that weight is irrelevant for the most part. What matters is body composition. Muscle burns fat. Muscle gives your body the shape it should have. That's where the phrase " out of shape " came from.

    Ladies, screw the scale, lift some weights and EAT!!! Please!! Nothing is hotter than some muscle. YOU WILL NOT LOOK LIKE A MAN. The women that do take steroids. That will not happen and you will be more confident. Nothing is sexier than that.


  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    ..if it helped you get through a rough spot to eat a bit more, then it was probably needed.

    Sorry, but thats exactly the kind of erroneous, self-defeating thinking that keeps people trapped in obesity. This concept of "comfort food" is so dangerous and childish. It's like the belief that if you took up smoking again during a rough spot you probably needed to.

    If you're feeling depressed, then going for a one-hour walk and enjoying nature will elevate your mood and sense of well-being much more than eating a cream bun or bowl of icecream. Overeating always leaves you feeling worse about yourself the next day.

    Being badly overweight is extremely prematurely ageing to the body, no matter how good your 'skin' appears externally. It squeezes your internal organs, vascular system, stresses your heart, everything. And a woman's sexual attractiveness to a man is almost in direct proportion to how overweight she is. As a rule of thumb, the fatter she gets, the less sexually interested he gets. I'm sorry if that sounds harsh but a lot of women really do need to wake up and deal with reality in this regard.

  • bigmac

    in the dark --all cats are grey

  • FlyingHighNow

    As a rule of thumb, the fatter she gets, the less sexually interested he gets. I'm sorry if that sounds harsh but a lot of women really do need to wake up and deal with reality in this regard.

    You can speak for yourself there. This simply isn't true for many, many men. I know so many men who prefer the look and feel of a plump, sexy, curvy body over a bony, skinny, mannishly muscular body. I know one husband who got upset when his tiny wife gained some weight. He cut her off and paid no attention to her, thinking no other men would want her. He threatened to divorce her constantly. That bullying and neglect went on for ten years. Finally, she left and found she was very sought after, by handsome and even much younger men. He has never dated anyone else. He remains single. He confides to her kids that he has always loved her. She will never have him back though. She has had a very active love life and tons of attention. Moral of the story: don't assume your wife is unattractive because she is not her teenaged size anymore. Don't assume the men won't line up to compete for her attention, once you have alienated and/or run her off.

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    Black and white thinking. Men don't like bony, skinny, mannishly muscular women either. Men just like a woman to be her natural optimal weight. If that means she is naturally a bit bigger then that's ok. If she's maintaining her naturally optimal weight and that's not good enough for a bloke then he's just an asshole. There's a difference between a natural, firm voluptousness (as many of the women naturally are in the images at the top of this page) and a big flabby obese cellulite-covered person that the opposite sex inwardly grimaces at. So many women (and men) are in denial about this.

  • watson

    that's not good enough for a bloke then he's just an asshole

    A man likes what a man likes. It doesn't mean he's an asshole.

  • FlyingHighNow

    There's a difference between a natural, firm voluptousness (as many of the women naturally are in the images at the top of this page) and a big flabby obese cellulite-covered person that the opposite sex inwardly grimaces at. So many women (and men) are in denial about this.

    Like you for instance. Now I know there are men and women who only find fit people sexy. On the other hand, there are many men who like even what is called super big beautiful women. These women don't weigh 200 lbs, they way 350, 500 and more lbs. There are dating sites and there is porn, just for such men to find dates, mates and/or pleasure. Men in denial? Denial of what? Sexy is sexy. Sexy is not confined to a size. I remember finding John Candy very sexy when he played Uncle Buck. There are two men who come into where I work. They are both very tall and big. One is a Spaniard, the other is American and is an opera singer. They both sizzle with sexiness and confidence. All of the women smile at them, flirt with them and talk about them. What is that silly cliche'? Whatever floats your boat.

    Watson, as long as man doesn't make a woman miserable trying to get her to be something she is not, he is not a jerk. People should never be cruel to each other about such matters.

  • LisaRose

    Just as many men are overweight too, so it's pretty silly to act like this is a woman's issue only. If a guy is fit and thin and wants that in a woman, fine, you like what you like. But don't expect all women over a certain size to feel bad about themselves. Healthy is important, but healthy isn't just about size, you can be overweight (to a certain extent, not obese) and be fit and healthy. You can also be thin and unhealthy.

    Whatever you weigh, it's OK to celebrate your beauty and feel good about yourself (but check with your doctor, and change your diet if needed)Feeling shame about your size leads to eating disorders.

  • watson
  • finally awake
    finally awake

    perhaps it's better to eat and be happy with a shorter life than to continually deny oneself the food one wants to eat and live a long life of longing and hunger...

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