Wow, great story scooby, and great name too! A cautionary/encouraging tale indeed, glad it worked out for you dude!
Bible Study and Theo Min School Review---WOW
by DS211 22 Replies latest watchtower bible
i read these threads with info from you guys who still are stuck going to kh's and it just totally amazes me what level of stupidity is being propogated. growing up in the 50's and 60's it seems to me there was a better intellectual level - this droning on and on about nothing nowadays - how can anyone stand it?!? i haven't been in years but i remember toward the end of my 'involvement' I was bored to tears with the repetitive and simplicity of it all - not to mention some of the speakers who couldn't speak two consecutive sentences without grammatical errors that were painful to hear.
I have had to assist family and attend to some Thursdays recently..... I am shocked at the dumbing down of it all compared to what I remember.
"Congregation BIBLE study" ?????? - dont make me laugh ! It would be funny if it were not so serious. They consider a discussion of this colourful comic "Wno Are Doing Jehovah's Will Today" to be a Bible Study... As if discussing The Borg, its website and reminders to clean the Kingom Hall & put donations in the box were "Holy Scripture"
The Theo School Review always used to be a written review for 30 mins with each person having to complete a sheet of q's. This one was a verbal q & a from the platform, just raise your hand if you want pressure at all....
Bah ! they dont know anything - no wonder if they are fed on spiritual junk-food