I brought up the Tree of Life issue with a JW friend. I mentioned that Adam and Eve were not made to live forever. Everlasting Life was contingent on eating the fruit of life. This was the source of immortality, not God. Adam and Eve were made to die. The punishment for sin was getting kicked out of paradise and thus missing out on delicious fruit that happens to grant eternity. They did however get to become "like God" in knowing good and bad. Death did not enter our DNA when they sinned, it was in us from the get go. Death did not enter into us through sin, nature was allowed happen because they sinned.
So I posed the questions, " If God made man in his image, then why was he made to die?" "Does God need to eat a magical fruit too in order to keep living?"
Of course, my friend was overwhelmed and just had a blank stare. Actually, this was the conversation that led to me blurting out "the religion is BULLS&%T!!" and which led to my wife and I being outed.