Back in the early 1960's when my family moved to new neighborhood the "Area Study" conductor, which is what the Tuesday Night Book Study used to be called, we had a Sister conductor for quite sometime.
I can't believe how sexist the Borg is!!!
by quellycatface 43 Replies latest jw experiences
Lots of sisters did lots of things until a brother came along. And I've seen some brothers made servants out of desperation who should never have been!
All of this contemplation about the "place" of women makes me wonder why it is overwhelmingly women who support the churches. There would be mostly emty churches without the women who attend and do all of the dirty work while men hold "important meetings" and such.
finally awake
When I was in, I was glad to not have to be in charge or give talks. I didn't even really want to be on the ministry school. I had too much else on my plate to want any extra responsibilities. However, I woud have been the logical choice to handle the bills and the money - no one else there had any training in bookkeeping or accounting, and I would have been scrupulously honest and diligent. Sadly, I lacked a penis so there just wasn't any way I could be trusted with any responsibility.
Ironically, it can be more justified scripturally for women to carry mics, do stage, sound, accounts etc, than to give student talks ar comment at the meetings. Paul said that women were to keep silent in the comgregation, and that it was shameful for them to speak. If women are to keep silent, how exactly is commenting scriptural? On the other hand how are women doing accounts, territory, sound and stage unscriptural?
(disclaimer) I just say this for arguments sake.. I personally believe it is mostly BS.
I am grateful for the sexism of the borg. At least I don't have to carry the guilt of many of the ex elders and ministerial servants who were involved in some of the nastier aspects of the society. The organisation doesn't give responsibility unless it feels someone is controllable so perhaps women are too much of a liability for them.
Having said that it was annoying at the time that capable women were constantly sidelined and demeaned and that any brother who was baptised was considered superior.
Isn't religion in general sexist? Religion is all about power, by putting women in a subservient role men have immediate domination of half the population.
Its not that we have a penis it's the size of it.
If u must know we are pulled into the back room and must show our penis to determine what position we are qualified for. So u see size does matter.
I get tired of being refered to as a penis first then a man. Get over it...if they changed the rules u mostlikely would not get the position because of attitude not your Gender. Many males "penis" don't get the positions either!
Island Man
I can think of no biblical reason why sisters are not permitted to man (or woman) the sound system or rove the mikes. The bible only says women should not exercise authority or teach. Roving the mikes and operating the sound system do not constitute exercising authority or teaching.
In fact, operating the sound system is somewhat comparable in purpose to serving as a sign language interpreter. Both tasks involve effectively transmitting what the speakers say. If sign-langage sisters are allowed to interpret talks given by brothers then why should sisters not be allowed to operate the sound system being used to convey talks given by brothers?
With the shortage of brothers, don't be surprized if the organization decides in the future to permit sisters to operate the sound system and rove mikes. There really isn't any biblical basis for excluding them.
But guys, handling the mikes is a position of responsibility. Therefore, it must be done by the gender that is assigned by God as the head.