JWN Silver Linings....

by DATA-DOG 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • FadeToBlack

    Like it. Great stuff. I always thought life would be much easier if we just accepted the fact that we are all crazy and got on with it. None of the ridiculous posturing we see all around us is necessary, beneficial or even warranted.

    Do we get a part 2, or was this a one-time event/episode?

  • happy@last

    Now where did I put my straight jacket. And I'm throwing out my fizzy sweets. And thanks for reminding me I'm still nuts

  • Crazyguy

    nice and yes so true......

  • BU2B

    Amen to that DD!

  • BU2B

    I also do not think you are crazy DD, you are very well reasoned and rational.. Wait.. Maybe thats because I am crazy too? Im confused. I find you sane, yet our wives, who likely really are crazy probably think we are crazy, but if they were to meet would probably hit it off and they would seem sane to each other even if their not?? I dont know anymore.

    I am so confused, time for a Sam Adams

    Great rant

  • watson

    Great post! (No sarcasm here)

  • Daniel1555

    DD I love you too.

    By the way. It's crazy to read the best book ever and then not watch the movie because it's R rated.

    Anyway I think american movie ratings are crazy too. There can be a lot of violence. But if there is a few F words it's R rated. My favourite movie "The Big Lebowsky" has in every sentence the F word. In Europe the rating is 12+, in america it's R rated.

  • Captain Blithering
    Captain Blithering

    HAhahHAhaaaa!! See you by the swingset dude, lets GO!

    Great movie, great rant. Also, big Lebowski is awesome!

  • Oubliette

    Nucking futs ... I love it!

  • LogCon

    The really sad thing about this post is that I understand all of it and agree with most of it.

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