How Long Have You Been Viewing Thiis Site? Does It Serve Its Purpose For You?

by minimus 67 Replies latest jw friends

  • Phizzy

    I discovered this site in late 2007. I left the WT/JW (SCAM !) for good in early 2008.

    I am addicted to the site, it is fast moving, lots of humour, and I have learned so much from so many posters, many of whom have now moved on, but I still bless them ! and all that contribute now.

    Thank you, so much, Simon, Angharad and the Mods.

    When I was at a very low point, suicidally depressed, shortly after leaving, this site and the wonderful people on it were literally a life saver for me. The urging to go and get proper Therapy was the very best of advice, hence I am still here.

    I love you all, may your god go with you, or if like me, you do not have one, may you all have Peace and Blessings.

  • trebor

    2008 - Going on half dozen years. Read more than post (obviously). There's nothing like these boards respecting brutal and sometimes unapologetic honesty for better or worse in getting to the heart of the matter; especially as it concerns religion and/or beliefs.

    It is one of the most valuable resources to help a [former] member of the Watchtower organization.

    I desire to be less ignorant and to help people. This board indeed serves that purpose direct and indirectly.

  • straightshooter

    I love this site. The new ones experiences and interchange of thoughts and feelings are a refreshment. Minimus continue to keep your questions coming, I enjoy how they start online conversations. The only thing I regret is that I did not know of this site earlier.

  • Ucantnome

    it fulfills some sort of need i have. I just read some of my old posts wish i could delete them but at the time i posted them they seemed ok. I learnt some things by posting probably.

  • 20yearfader

    I've been here about a year, this site helps me vent and it showed me i wasn't alone, i wasn't the only one that thought jws are insane also i helps me to keep up on current events err new light

  • rubadubdub

    I've been biting my tongue as this thread has unfolded. I have been reading and posting for about two and a half years. For me this site serves the purpose of keeping up on current JW antics and ever-changing doctrine. It is helping with fogging my JW in-laws. I read it daily for that purpose. Sometimes there is a funny thread of post that serves as comin relief for me. I appreciate those.

    I have come to the point, though, that I find it exceedingly uncomfortable to post. It feels just like it did at the KH for me. I was the outsider-- a "sister" with an "unbelieving mate" who was excluded from the cliques and the inner circle. JWN has its lovely members. Some have PM'd me with very helpful information, and I have formed a friendship with one member outside of the forum. But JWN also has its bullies. I find some of the posts sarcastic, unhelpful and mean spirited. The character assassination comments and threads make me cringe. There seems to be an old boys' club that is just plain immature. I left the KH to get away from all of that.

    Let the insults fly, if you must. I don't engage with bullies. My father was a master of sarcasm. I've had my fill of that as well. My mother attacked my character and has disowned me three times in my life and yet I have been her primary caregiver for over 15 years, and I'm in the process of moving her out of her home into a higher level of care. She has always been mentally ill and now has Alzheimer's Disease. I can hold my own agains mean to be sure. I just have had enough of all the bull sh*t in my life. Enough said.

  • nancy drew
    nancy drew

    This is a very important site because leaving the jw world can be a difficult and enduring process. The experience is unique and despite peoples desire to be helpful no one understands it in the same way as those who have lived within its prison walls. as years go by I find myself just skimming through mostly out of curiosity because Not being a born in I'm not dealing with jw relatives so making the cut was a bit easier. I know it's very serious but at the same time i wish that some of the fun posts wouldn't be looked down upon and deleted because humor and laughter is a part of the healing process.

    i feel this site has been helpful to many and maybe one day when the organization crumbles to the ground we can all raise out glasses together.

  • Vidiot

    I started lurking for about a year before my intro post; I concluded that JWN was where the smartest and most well-informed XJWs were, so this is where I was most likely to find the answers to the kind of questions I had.

    I find it's also the best place to keep up-to-date on WTS-related news (I find out stuff months before my dyed-in-the-wool JW mom does), I'm accepted for who and what I am, and I've made good friends (one I've even met face-to-face).

    Once I even got a message from a lurker who'd registered for the sole purpose of PMing me to thank me for the logic and reasoning found in my posts (clearly, he'd caught me on a good day ).

  • confusedandalone

    I must say that this site was an amazing find for me at a time that I needed it! I was free to be angry and to voice my opinions on things that no one else would understand. I also recieved support that I am sure I could not have found anywhere else. However, as I remove myselkf further and further from the JW lifestyle I have seen that I am slowly moving away and spending more time on other non-religious based sites. That is not a negative thing I am just at the point that I think the JW anchor will pull me down and back into certain ways of thinking.

    I continue too and will continue to tell people to come to this site and receive the same reward from it that I have!

  • Simon

    [ Disruptive posts removed ]

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