How Many?
How many poor gullible farmers paid extra for Charles Russell’s “miracle” wheat, only to find out that it performed no better, and more than likely, worse than many other less expensive varieties of wheat?
How many Egyptians used feet and inches to measure the pyramids centuries or millennia before such a system was invented?
How many Witnesses read “the Stone Bible.”
How many planets in how many galaxies did God look at before deciding to live on Alcyone in the Pleiades constellation?
How many followers of Charles Russell altered or changed important life decisions regarding parenthood, education, careers, finance, medical care, and more because they believed his prediction, based upon “God’s dates,” that the world would come to an end in 1914/5?
How many more did the same for a similar claim about 1918?
How many more still did the same for yet another similar claim about 1925?
How many Witnesses/Bible Students knew in 1914 that Jesus had arrived that very year?
How many years passed before it dawned upon them?
How many Witnesses knew in 1919 that Jesus had chosen them as his sole representative on Earth that same year?
How many years passed before they recognized this?
How many millions are now dead who anxiously listened to and believed “Judge” Rutherford’s campaign “Millions Now Living May/Will Never Die?”
How many hours did how many Witnesses spend peddling Watchtower literature and asking for donations to keep “Judge” Rutherford’s humidor and liquor cabinet stocked, to pay for the sixteen cylinder Cadillacs he was chauffeured around in, and to build the luxurious mansion “Beth Sarim” he spent his winters in, even though it was built for the wise men of the past who were to be resurrected at the end in 1925, but for some reason never showed up?
How many more fell for the old song and dance about the end coming during World War II?
How many altered life plans because of it?
How many Witnesses didn’t fulfill their dream of having children, and all the joy that can be, because the Watchtower said their time was better spent in the preaching work since “The End” was so near, only to end up old, childless, disappointed, and disillusioned?
How many Witnesses spent extra money on steel or copper pots and pans, or used the heavier cast iron because the Watchtower “knew” of the danger to one’s health that aluminum posed in cookware?
How many went to jail and suffered the subsequent consequences for refusing military service or a civilian alternative, only to find out later the Watchtower had erred and alternate service is alright?
How many men, women and children suffered needlessly, were crippled, maimed, or died because they heeded the Watchtower’s advice about the dangers and uselessness of vaccinations, and caught tuberculosis, polio, tetanus, diphtheria, measles, smallpox, or some other easily preventable disease?
How many suffered needlessly, were crippled, maimed, blinded, or died because they followed the Watchtower’s prohibition of organ transplants, only to find out later the Watchtower had erred?
How many suffered needlessly, were crippled, maimed, or died because they followed the Watchtower’s prohibition on all blood transfusions; most blood transfusions, excluding whole blood and certain minor fractions and derivatives; some blood transfusions, excluding whole blood and certain major and minor fractions and derivatives; almost no blood transfusions, except whole blood and a couple of fractions and derivatives, because the Watchtower can’t really say how many or what blood fractions are necessary in order for the partial elements to be considered blood?
How many Witnesses know and fully understand the Society’s position on blood and blood fractions?
How many more years will pass before the Society clearly and unequivocally explains and spells out such an important policy, one that may determine the difference between life and death for millions of its members?
How many Malawians died because they refused to get a political party card, while how many of their Mexican brothers paid bribes to Mexican military officials in order to forge military service cards?
How many changed life plans regarding children, education, career, and finances, even going so far as to liquidate assets, including homes and businesses, in order to preach because they believed the fever pitch of the Watchtower that the world would end in 1975, 6,000 years after the creation of Adam?
How many Witnesses know Ray Franz’s side of the story about why he stepped down from the Governing Body and was later disfellowshipped (excommunicated)?
How many of the “Generation of 1914” will have passed before the end?
How many Witnesses know how long a “generation” is?
How many years can a “generation” stretch before it breaks?
How many Witnesses in the 21st century remember that in 1989 the Watchtower said “The End” would come before the end of the 20th century?
How many Witnesses remember or know more than a pittance of the above?