2014 Circuit Assembly talks.....

by EndofMysteries 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • EndofMysteries

    I checked the program, I bet many can guess what many of the talks will be, but here are a few titles.......

    "Symposium: Reject Strange Teachings" - aka reject truth being exposed about the society and their teachings

    "You must hate your enemy" - aka you must hate the GB's enemy of family and friends who have awaken to their lies and left

    "Work hard to remain in Jehovah's teaching" - aka keep the blinders on and keep working real hard to ignore logic and reason and keep blindly accepting the teachings of the GB as from God himself, even if you are figuring out they are only man's teachings and not God's

  • LostGeneration

    1:45 Symposium: Reject “Strange
    ˘ “The Teaching of Balaam”
    ˘ ‘You Must Hate Your Enemy’
    ˘ ‘Build Bigger Storehouses’
    ˘ “You Are Bound to Be Like God”

    You must hate your enemy? Poor Jesus, overruled again!

  • sir82

    To be fair, I thik the point, "reject teh strange teaching that must hate your enemy" - that is, the better thing to do is love your enemy.

    Of course, "apostates" are lower than enemies, so it is perfectly fine to hate them.....

  • Hummingbird001

    "Reject Strange Teachings"?

    Nothing is a stranger teaching than the overlapping generation thing....

  • RubaDub

    Nothing is a stranger teaching than the overlapping generation thing

    Hummingbird ...

    You beat me to the punch on that one.

    I think the runner-up would be the blood issue.

    Rub a Dub

  • Slidin Fast
    Slidin Fast

    I have just been to that “feast of good things”, that is if you consider self-serving, misinterpreted damaging propaganda, “good things” . You could not find a more convoluted load of bullcrap if you tried. If you actually listen to what is said, the way logic is spun and stretched it leaves you cross-eyed.

    Since I have been woken as to the flip-flops and weird reasoning I have learned to listen much more carefully. I love to apply critical thinking to what I hear.

    I spend the “association” time telling people what they have just heard. They look at me with amazement. Most people just sit there nodding their heads, clapping on cue and dozing quietly. I sometimes think I am the only one actually hearing what is said.

    The result is that although I am stuck where I am, I find the whole thing quite entertaining except when it makes me boil with rage.

    I will put up some “highlights” in a week or two when it won’t be so easily associated with me.


    WTH?!?! They got hammered in a foreign country for the "Human Apostate" hate-speech talk. THEN..... they have the latest CA and have a talk called " Love your enemy." So now they are having one that says " Hate your enemy?" Many of those sound like re-hashed talks from the " God's Word is Truth" DC. Of course it's recycled, what else do they have?


  • Defianttruth

    Well, I'm glad they are sticking with the Bible's counsel................ Wait maybe the RNWT changed Math 5:44 to read hate your enemies.

    For those still in, this would be a great way to drop some seeds of truth. One could say," I think there will be some nu lite at the circuit assembly this year. The talk Hate your enemies is iin direct opposition to Christ counsel In the 5th chapter of Mathew. I can't wait to here what the new light is."

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    "Symposium: Reject Strange Teachings"

    Yet according to an upcoming WT study farticle, elders are supposed to obediently follow strange direction.

  • eyeuse2badub

    At least the WTBTS is good at recycling!

    Just saying!



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