To ALANF, (an apology)

by ThatSucks 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Naeblis

    I don't want to embarass you. But you're still here.

  • Valis

    perhpas you mean heard too much mentality...if things here weren't pertinent to your life, then why have you posted 52 times? Just for the fun of it or to prove your point when it comes to indulging in self pity and looking like the fool you proclaim yourself to be? Or both, or something else? I never said you blamed anyone else, but if you can be so self effacing, then perhpas you can see your way to keep posting and come to a new realization or two. Assuming of course you don't have other usernames and can drop off, while seemingly proving your point.


    District Overbeer

  • Dutchie

    Hi That Sucks. Well I went back and read your comments on the pedophile thread and really I don’t think you have anything to be ashamed of. You stated your opinion according to your knowledge and intelligence and that is all any of us can do. Of course, there will always be people who are more knowledgeable that we are and who are more intelligent that we are and that, my friend, is just life. This forum is not only for the super intelligent (or those that think they are) it is for all exjehovah’s witnesses who want to comment on a particular thread. A post is an affirmation that we are trying to heal and actually no one should stifle that process.

    It is wrong to compare yourself to other people. We all have something to contribute and some on this board may not appreciate our contribution, but so be it. We on the other hand, might not appreciate the contribution of other posters. So in the end everything evens out.

    Do not let yourself be defined by the opinions of others.

    My best to you!

  • ThatSucks

    Valis: Thank you for showing me the stupidiy in having a conspiracy-theory mindset. I now see how ridiculous I look.

    Dutchie: Thanks to you also for your kind comments. Unfortunately, my "emotional state" only allows me to be defined by the opinion of one other, and that poster knows who he is. I know it is a weakness on my part, and I am working on it.

    Naeblis: Keep up the "detective work", you're doing very well.

    (Finally, last, but certainly not least)


    I am relieved that you have responded to this thread. It saddens me deeply to disappoint others, especially those I look up to.

    If you're sincere, ThatSucks (of which I am not particularly convinced), you should not stop posting, but carefully consider your words and keep up with it.

    I fully understand your lack of trust in my words AlanF. Unfortunately, continuing to post is not something that I can do. Every day I come on this board and I see people who's emotions are tossed one way or another, people arguing and bickering over some of the stupidest shit I have ever seen in my life. The sad part about it though, is that they NEED to argue about it. (Healing process) They can't HELP it because of how they were raised. I, not being raised in this sort of atmosphere, tend to take more personally what others consider to be a "bucking of horns" as it were. I thought I maybe "sorta" could consider myself a type of ex-witness since I came so close to getting "dunked". But, now I see I am fooling myself. There is no use in pretending anymore.

    But be prepared to be challenged, even strongly. Heat, kitchen and all that. Those who cannot take challenge are likely on the wrong track.

    I agree, now it's time to derail this train, because it's definately heading for a cliff.

    I challenge those I have a measure of respect for, but with whom I disagree. I don't usually challenge nincompoops; they're not worth it.

    How well I know, even when you rarely challenged me in the past. Before I thought it was arrogance on your part, now I know the real reason.


    Edited by - ThatSucks on 2 May 2002 20:52:58

  • bluesapphire


    I challenge those I have a measure of respect for, but with whom I disagree. I don't usually challenge nincompoops; they're not worth it.

    NINCOMPOOPS??? Been a long time, Alan, since I heard that. I'm going to start using it more often. It's a funny word!

  • AlanF

    Yeah, Blue, but I still say stuff like "scarce as hen's teeth".

    Ianao, you're good!


  • Kenneson

    Hello ThatSucks,
    If these forums are just for the scholars and intellectuals,
    then there won't be many left here. Don't be intimidated by those
    who would try to belittle your intelligence. They're only trying
    to make themselves look important at your expense. Don't allow it. Forums are for exhange of ideas. It should not be solely for those who would
    try to pontificate to the rest of us and show eveyone else just
    how intelligent they are.

  • AlanF

    Kenneson, ThatSucks (apparently aka ianao) is just jerking peoples' chains. I don't know why; you'll have to ask him. Ianao is actually pretty bright, although whacky at times. He's got the fawningly obsequious routine down pat.


  • Pathofthorns

    It is generally wiser to ask questions or put forth ideas with reasons why you think they are beneficial than to attack a person. Questioning the merit of another's position and perspective should be done cautiously. Many times there are several good ways of looking at an issue. Wrong or mistaken assumptions are easy to form, particularly with this medium.

    I think when the objective is to learn and to strive for accuracy and truth everyone's imput and perspective is valuable.


  • ThatSucks

    AlanF: Once again I don't blame you one little bit for thinking I am pulling people's chains. I am sorry to say that I truly am this pathetic. Sorry to burst your bubble.

    To everyone who has encouraged, I say thank you. To those few who have mocked, (while I understand why), I say, bite me.

    Now, let me see if I can get passed this addiction of mine and SHUT UP.

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