What if the GB hired you as the new CEO of Jehovah's Witnesses?

by kneehighmiah 24 Replies latest watchtower bible



    ........................ReDecorate WBT$ Head Quarters..


    .......................................................................................................  photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

  • bruh2012


    AWESOME ! thinking I can get use to the "ashes" look!

  • kaik

    Also get rid of the division on Great Crowd and the Little Flock as two tier class.

  • Hortenzie

    I would fire the GB and picked a few better looking guys for the organization's better image.

  • OnTheWayOut

    In the information age, there is really no salvaging a corporation that is primarily a print-publishing company that tries to keep it's members in the dark about information. People are also leaving mainstream religion.

    To keep the cult alive, they may need to: Get the young ones having babies sooner and put much effort into marriage counseling. Tell them that anything goes in the marriage bedroom and offer some kind of group daycare for JW babies so Mom can go to work. Tell young married people that raising children in the truth exempts you from other "recruiting" hours because they are in the most important work of all.

  • 3rdgen

    Make programs for children in age divisions similar to Sunday school and youth groups. Children shouldn't have to sit through 2 hrs of material that is often NOT appropriate. For example: Little ones could have pictures of the GB to color. It would be so fun to draw beards and funny hats on them. Older ones could play pin the tail on the 8 donkeys in Brooklyn or make up new Kindom songs. I'm sure they could do better than molesting bees!

  • insearchoftruth4

    Shut down the whole thing except #12. Give back the money especially to poor and needy, look after the elderly and the victims of abuse.

    Back to #12. Education and BASKETBALL. There's lots of talent among The Dubs (thats a cool name for a team) Let the CEO coach them!!!

    Finally put the GB and their behind the scene chumps out to the Atlantic Ocean on a small row boat heading for N. Korea..NAKED.


  • Fernando

    1. Anyone is free to leave the organization without shunning

    2. Get rid of JCs.

    3. Focus explicitly on the "unabridged gospel" or "full Good News"

    4. Revert to being a book publishing company

    5. Convert KHs to community service centres

  • KiddingMe

    Implement corporate transparency

  • kneehighmiah

    13. Get rid of mid-week meetings. Ain't nobody got time fo' dat! Midweek meetings force people to turn down otherwise good jobs and they prevent people from taking evening classes. The Sunday meeting would include a 20 minute public talk, 20 minutes of "bible highlights" where everyone discusses the weekly bible reading and 20 minutes of the "TMS" for people to practice public speaking. Finally another 20 minutes for elders to give a talk dedicated to local needs or encouragement. The meeting would run 1:30 as the remaining 10 minutes would be used for songs and prayers. No more WT study indoctrination.

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